The status of Israel and the Technion research in comparison to selected countries and institutes using bibliometrics indices

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Getz Daphne, Shumaf - Tehawkho Marian, Ilan Yael, Czapski Gideon. The status of Israel and the Technion research in comparison to selected countries and institutes using bibliometrics indices Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2006.
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The current publication is part of a work which was carried out within the framework of the Neaman Institute and was ordered by the Technion. The review goal was to examine the level of the engineering research at the Technion and at other Israeli universities in comparison to the world using objective tools. In addition, the research examined the tools which are being used for evaluating the influence that the engineering/scientific research has on the economy, industry, and society in Israel.
The work includes three parts which are published separately. The second part of the work which is presented in this publication, present bibliometrics analyses which were conducted on the basis of the ISI databases (Institute of Science Information, Philadelphia, U.S.A) in order to compare the scientific production of Israel with other countries, and the scientific production of the Technion in relation to other academic institutes. The ISI databases we used include data on 180 countries and 200 institutes, mainly from Israel, U.S.A, U.K, and Canada.


The comparisons were conducted in three groups of indices:


  • Productivity indices- number of publications per capita at the country or number of publications at the institute.
  • Index of priority of research in a field.
  • Quality indices- the citation index.

The countries and institutions were ranked according to these indices. The use of five additional ISI databases, helped us to draw the full picture of the status of Israeli research in the different fields.
The first part is a literature review of the methods which can be used for the evaluating the influence that the engineering/scientific research has on the economy, industry, and society in Israel
The third part focuses on three fields of knowledge: Information and Communications Technologies- ICT, Biotechnology and Aerospace engineering.


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