Shiri Freund-Koren

Research Assistant
Studies: Transportation

Studies: Transportation

Samuel Neaman Institute's publications in the field examine, among others, the environmental impacts of the various means of transportation and the policy required to reduce them, the benefits and barriers to integrating oil substitutes in the transportation sector, including, electric transportation, waste-based and bio-ethanol fuel substitutes, and the economic benefits of transportation projects such as road tunneling and more.
Studies: Agriculture

Studies: Agriculture

Samuel Neaman Institute's publications examine various aspects of the field of agriculture in Israel, including the social contributions of agriculture; the possibilities for developing sustainable agriculture in conditions of scarcity; sustainable aquaculture; development and adoption of innovation and information technology in agriculture; issues in the management interface between agriculture and water, and more.
Studies: Innovation – Environmental Technologies

Studies: Innovation – Environmental Technologies

Samuel Neaman Institute's publications indicate the necessary steps for the State of Israel to utilize the potential inherent in this market - both for improving the quality of life and the environment in Israel and for the opportunity to export knowledge and technologies and create jobs in the field. The works reflect the main trends in the world, map the uniqueness and relative advantage of the Israeli economy and shed light on the barriers facing entrepreneurs, investors and industries in Israel. In addition, the policy papers detail basic principles for designing a supportive policy.
סדרי עדיפות לאומית בנושאי איכות סביבה

Studies: National Environmental Priorities

One of the functions of the Samuel Neaman Institute is to bridge the gap between academia, industry and decision-makers by making applicable, up-to-date information and research-based knowledge accessible to state institutions. The documents of national priorities compiled at the Shmuel Ne'eman Institute deal with a variety of issues that are important to raise on the public agenda.
Challenges for Water Usage in Global Industry

Challenges for Water Usage in Global Industry

This research project began in 2011 in cooperation with Newtech and the Israel Export Institute and was designed to increase the competitiveness of the Israeli water industry in the world. The project aims to map industrial sectors that use large amounts of water, requiring innovative technological developments to reduce water consumption per unit of product, to allow the release of emitted water while preserving the environment, and to highlight the solutions to opportunities and needs that will enable businesses to grow and become more robust.
An Analysis of Israel

An Analysis of Israel's Renewable Energy IndustryAn Analysis of the Renewable Energy Industry of Israel

This project began as part of a joint venture with the Newtech unit at the Ministry of Economics, and since 2015 it has continued with the funding of the Samuel Neaman Institute, as part of the Industrial Excellence Center. The goal of the project is to leverage Israel's position as a leader in the field of renewable energy, including energy production and its integration into the energy system, efficiency improvements, and the development of fuel substitutes.
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