ICT in Agriculture: Perspectives of Technological Innovation

Cite As:
Gelb Ehud. ICT in Agriculture: Perspectives of Technological Innovation Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2006. https://neaman.org.il/EN/ICT-Agriculture-Perspectives-of-Tech-Innovation

Successes and failures in the development and adoption of ICT in agriculture provide an illuminating case study of technological innovation with lessons applicable beyond agricultural production and the rural sector. The book provides an overview of the introduction and adoption of ICT into a diverse industry and sector which ranges from small, subsistence part time farms which are relatively under-developed to large multi-national agri-businesses competing in world markets. The lessons emphasize that ICT development as perceived by the eventual user is a critical success factor for anyone working in ICT today. The authors of the chapters share their perspectives and wealth of experience regarding ICT development, introduction and adoption over time. They can be reached through the list of e-mail contacts provided for reader's convenience. Author Bio Sketches appear at the end of their chapters.

ICT in Agriculture: Perspectives of Technological Innovation

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