Mapping National Research Infrastructures
The purpose of the research is the mapping of the existing national research infrastructures and the definition of the needs of Israeli researchers with respect to the upgrade and establishment of new research infrastructures.
Facilitating Collaboration in Stem Cell Research through Intellectual Property
The goal of the research is to create an infrastructure for designing a policy concerning research, development, and knowledge transfer in the field of stem cells. This policy was intended to encourage scientific innovativeness as well as help lever Israel's position as a leader in this field in the global arena.
Intellectual Property in the Government Sector: The State of Affairs
The goal of the study is to create an infrastructure for forming a policy on the issue of intellectual property rights to knowledge that constitutes a product of R&D activity that is funded by the government and executed by governmental agencies/civil servants. The aim is to consolidate recommendations on guidelines in order to build a strategy for managing intellectual property in accordance with the government R&D objectives and to study the implications of knowledge transfer owned by the government through the commercialization of intellectual property rights.
Evaluating the NOFAR Program
The NOFAR program was conceived as part of the implementation of the recommendations made by the "Monitor Report," and stresses the need to establish a fund to support the development of inventions in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology that have a commercial potential in universities, so as to increase the chances of successful transfer of the technology from the academy to industry. The program helps build a bridge between the basic research and the applied research at the stage at which industry has not yet recognized the idea as having a commercial potential.
Evaluation of the Program Salary-Employment Advancement of New Immigrants
The current study was commissioned by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption in cooperation with the Samuel Neaman Institute. The main goals of the research were: to identify the factors which affect the employment of immigrants at the conclusion of the period of assistance and in the course of time, examine the effect of running the program on the employment of new immigrants and formulate recommendations that could assist policy makers in improving the program.
Vouchers for New Immigrants as Tools for the Job Market
The current study was commissioned by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption in cooperation with the S. Neaman Institute, and examined whether the Vouchers Project was effective in facilitating employment and in upgrading the status of jobs held by the immigrants upon graduation.