Indices for Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel and international comparison
At the beginning of the 21st century, the Samuel Neaman Institute identified the need to establish an infrastructure for advancing a systematic and ongoing process of forming national policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI). The objective of this program is to improve the understanding of the STI system of Israel and to answer the question of how processes associated with the development of science, technology, and innovation contribute to increased knowledge, increased productivity, improved economic performance, professional employment, sustainable development, and social welfare. Understanding of the process is based on the collection, analysis, and correct presentation of the various relevant indices and on the analysis of trends as they change over time and in comparison with other countries.
The Role of Israeli Research Universities in the National R&D
This study was commissioned by the National Council for R&D (NCRD). Its purpose was to examine the influence of Israeli research universities on the national R&D system and the reciprocal relationships between the two systems in creating new knowledge and advanced technologies.
Science, technology, economics (STE)
STE is a core program of the S. Neaman Institute, aimed at developing national policy alternatives for key issues lying at the interface between Science, Technology and the Economy.
Tax Benefits for Business R&D in Israel
This project examines the tax incentives system to encourage R&D in the business sector in Israel. More than two thirds of OECD countries and many others encourage R&D activities in the business sector with tax benefits based on the volume of R&D expenditures reported by the firms.
Economics of National Security Program (ENS)
The ENS Program was launched at the end of 2003 as an intermural research program aimed to initiate, encourage and support academic research on the mutual links between economic conditions and national security. Its main goals are to provide in-depth analysis of the economic costs and consequences of the Israeli security situation, the contributions of security and defense expenditures to economic progress, and to estimate the resources allocated to Israel's defense.
Sectorial Specialization and Diversification Indices for R&D
Economic activity that is concentrated in a small number of sectors could indicate specialization and that competitive advantages are being exploited. However, it can also render the economy vulnerable to risks arising from technological and economic shocks.
R&D Vision and Strategy- Leveraging R&D and Technology Adoption for Sustained and Balanced Economic Growth
This effort is headed by Mr. Eli Hurvitz (chairman of Teva) and Mr. David Brodet, and aims to formulate a national strategy for placing Israel among the top 10 countries of the world in terms of economic achievements and social development. The R&D and Technology Adoption Team is one of six teams operating within the Vision & Strategy project. Its mission is to formulate a blueprint for a national Innovation and Technology Policy, (ITP), taking into account both the leading position of the Israeli high-tech industry and its scientific and technological research capabilities, as well as the more traditional industries.