Tzameret Rubin

The Role of Israeli Research Universities in the National R&D

The Role of Israeli Research Universities in the National R&D

This study was commissioned by the National Council for R&D (NCRD). Its purpose was to examine the influence of Israeli research universities on the national R&D system and the reciprocal relationships between the two systems in creating new knowledge and advanced technologies.
מודלים לתקצוב סטודנטים בינלאומיים לתארים מתקדמים בטכניון

Models for Budgeting International Postgraduate Students at the Technion

SNI was asked by the Director General of the Technion, Prof. Matanyahu Englman, to conduct a study of the options for increasing the number of international postgraduate students studying at the Technion.
קידום המו"פ והחדשנות בפריפריה בישראל

Promoting R&D and Innovation in the Israeli Periphery

The study, commissioned by the Israel National Council for Research and Development (MOLMOP) at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, was aimed at providing decision makers with an updated account of the innovation and R&D activities in Israel’s peripheral areas.
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