Ayelet Baram-Tsabari

 Ayelet Baram-Tsabari

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari (Ph.d., Weizmann Institute of Science, 2008) is a professor of science communication and education at the Technion-Israel Institute of Science, where she heads the applied science communication research group. Her research program focuses on supporting public engagement with science and effective science communication. She was an elected member of the Israel Young Academy, and of the scientific committee of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Network. She hosts a science communication MOOC on edX and serves as an editorial board member on the journals Public Understanding of Science and the International Journal of Science Education: Part B. She recently received the Higher Education Award for a Young Faculty Member for an exceptional contribution to society and the community in Israel from the Council of Higher Education (2021).

Science Communication

Science Communication

The mass media strongly influence the public’s understanding of – and engagement with – science and related policy issues. Print, broadcasted and online news form a major science related information source. However, scholarship has devoted little attention to communicating science in the Israeli context.
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