Studies: Climate Change – Adaptation (Israeli Climate Change Information Center – ICCIC)
In accordance with a government decision, the Ministry of Environmental Protection was tasked with preparing a national plan for Israel's adaptation for climate change. To this end, the ministry has decided to establish an Israeli knowledge center on the subject, which will work to strengthen the existing scientific knowledge in everything related to preparing for climate change in Israel and will even work to market the accumulated Israeli knowledge in other target countries.
Studies: Waste Management
Samuel Neaman Institute's studies examine the potential for reducing waste at source, reducing waste landfilling and developing processes that make the nuisance into a resource, both in the domestic sector and in the industry and agriculture sector. Practical policies and tools at the national and local government levels are suggested.
Studies: Natural Gas and Oil
Samuel Neaman Institute's studies in this field address all aspects of the use of fossil fuels and also include a number of studies carried out for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Energy to examine the environmental impacts of natural gas as a source of fuels for transportation.
Studies: Transportation
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications in the field examine, among others, the environmental impacts of the various means of transportation and the policy required to reduce them, the benefits and barriers to integrating oil substitutes in the transportation sector, including, electric transportation, waste-based and bio-ethanol fuel substitutes, and the economic benefits of transportation projects such as road tunneling and more.
Studies: Climate Change – Mitigation
Climate change attracts worldwide attention because of the environmental, economic and social implications. Samuel Neaman Institute's studies in this field include means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and their purpose is to describe and analyze emissions and provide a scientific basis for formulating national policies in various fields, including energy production, transportation, industry, construction, agriculture, water and more.
Studies: Sustainable Development
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications in the field discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from a situation of lack of resources – land, energy, water, food and raw materials in industry. The studies present analyses of the existing situation, along with the potential for efficiency improvements and innovation and the leverage of Israeli Environmental R&D, agriculture and industry.
Studies: Agriculture
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications examine various aspects of the field of agriculture in Israel, including the social contributions of agriculture; the possibilities for developing sustainable agriculture in conditions of scarcity; sustainable aquaculture; development and adoption of innovation and information technology in agriculture; issues in the management interface between agriculture and water, and more.
Studies: Water, Rivers and Sea
Samuel Neaman Institute's studies examine various aspects of the field of water in Israel, including the implications of the transition of the Israeli water sector from natural sources to reclaimed and desalinated water, water and agriculture, river restoration and the relationship between water, the public and the nature.
Studies: National Environmental Priorities
One of the functions of the Samuel Neaman Institute is to bridge the gap between academia, industry and decision-makers by making applicable, up-to-date information and research-based knowledge accessible to state institutions. The documents of national priorities compiled at the Shmuel Ne'eman Institute deal with a variety of issues that are important to raise on the public agenda.