Recognizing the potential harm of an academic boycott on Israel, the Samuel Neaman Institute has established an ad-hoc task force to address the issue under the concept of SCHOLAR SHIELD. This team collaborates with the University Heads' Committee, relevant government ministries, and other organizations.
“The Shortened Track for Acceptance to Technion: A Formative Assessment"
This study investigates the evaluation of the "shortened track" admission route at Technion, a unique alternative pathway for accepting students. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of this admission route in increasing diversity among students and explore strategies to attract underrepresented populations. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in two stages to gather comprehensive insights and perspectives. The findings contribute to the ongoing improvement of the shortened track program and provide valuable recommendations for enhancing inclusivity and equity at Technion.
Research and Formative Evaluation for a Health Program in Arab Society
The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Authority for the Economic Development of the Minority Sectors seeks to promote a focused government program for the health of the Arab population in Israel. The program aims to provide "root treatment" for health conditions and disparities in healthcare services.
Technology forecasts for scientific and technological personnel needs
This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to forecasts the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields/professions for the short term (10 years).
Mapping Human Talent Requirements for Jerusalem's Advanced Industry
The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, together with The Jerusalem Development Authority, Jerusalem Municipality, The Social-Economic Forum and The Employers Administration initiated a project for encouraging discharged soldiers to study and work in Jerusalem. The main aim of this project is to identify trends in human talent requirements within the Jerusalem labor market.
The aspects of establishing an academic center in the city of Petah Tikva
Examining different possible models for a new academic center in the city of Petah Tikva, including the school for outstanding and gifted students, or any alternative to such a center. Using several methodologies such as interviews and literature review, three possible models were devised and presented to the management of the Petah Tikva Municipality to select the best model suitable for the urban ecosystem: Lifelong Learning center, novel applied academic center, and a combination of a Lifelong Learning Center and an existing academic center.
UNESCO Science Report 2021: Science and Innovation In Israel
The UNESCO Science Report was launched in 1993 under the name of World Science Report. Since then, UNESCO has published seven reports in the series. The series describes and reviews the evolution of the support system for science, technology and innovation worldwide over time. Key emerging trends are identified and placed within their socio-economic and political context. Each report begins with an overview of global trends. Dr. Daphne Getz and the team at the Samuel Neaman Institute authored the chapters on Israel in UNESCO's Science Report.
Women in Technological and Scientific Entrepreneurship
This research identifies obstacles that prevent women from becoming involved in entrepreneurship in research and technology and suggests ways to increase women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities at the Technion and beyond
Review of funding sources for universities in the world
Institutions of higher education face many financial difficulties affected by changes in revenues and operating expenses. Universities are exploring different approaches to dealing with such economic difficulties. There is no single model that may apply to all academic institutions. The solutions can be classified into several tracks: increasing revenues, streamlining operations, creating collaborations and merging academic institutions, as well as "reinventing" the institution.
Evaluation of the Israel Precision Medicine Partnership (IPMP) Program
The Israel Precision Medicine Partnership (IPMP) is a joint initiative of Yad Hanadiv, the Klarman Family Foundation the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, Digital Israel, and the Israel Science Foundation. The program's aim is to advance basic research as well as new diagnostic and therapeutic methods by Israeli academic and clinical researchers. The purpose of Samuel Neaman’s Institute evaluation research project is to identify challenges in the field, understand the nature of collaborations between academics and medical institutions, and monitor the scientific and technological achievements arising from the program.
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in academia and industry in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics, and to examine the possibilities of advancing these fields, as is being done in many advanced countries.
A Survey to Examine the Difficulties of Transmitting Nano Technologies from the Academe to the Industry
The TELEM Forum (National Infrastructure for Research and Development Forum), with the assistance of the National Committee for Nanotechnology (INNI( has worked during the last eight years to establish six research centers in the field of nanotechnology funded according to the matching method. The established research centers conducted thousands of studies based on nanotechnology, the effect of which has not yet realized its maximum potential.
Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel
The Samuel Neaman Institute is conducting in 2012-2014 a further study on the subject of ‘Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel’. The goal of the study is to build the knowledge database that would allow the creation of a road map for planning national research infrastructures in Israel and to formulate a policy that will define budgets and priorities within a national policy on large research infrastructures in Israel.
Israel-Us Academic Relations
Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) is a national network of students, faculty members, and professionals in the US, whose goal is to strengthen the pro-Israel movement on campuses across the US. The research department of the ICC addressed SNI and requested a review of the development of academic relations between Israel and the United States over the past decade.
Promoting R&D and Innovation in the Israeli Periphery
The study, commissioned by the Israel National Council for Research and Development (MOLMOP) at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, was aimed at providing decision makers with an updated account of the innovation and R&D activities in Israel’s peripheral areas.
Entrepreneurship at the Technion
This report was prepared at the initiative and at the request of the Technion Board and was intended to serve as background material for the purpose of formulating the Technion's policy in the field of entrepreneurship.