Tamar Dayan

Tamar Dayan
Information Specialist
International Round Table initiative for Advancing STEM Excellence Skills

International Round Table initiative for Advancing STEM Excellence Skills

Attaining a consensus of the characterization, definition, educational methodologies and evaluation of skills required for advancing STEM excellence in the education systems, schools and higher education institutes.
Alternative screening and admission routes to higher education

Alternative screening and admission routes to higher education

The Shmuel Neaman Institute and Edmond de Rothschild Foundation are conducting a joint research project to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative screening and admission routes to universities.
חינוך מהנדסים במאה ה 21 - היבטים גלובליים ונגזרות למדינת ישראל

Education of engineers in the 21st century

The Neaman Institute has initiated a national process to re-evaluate the education of engineers in the academic institutes in Israel with the objective to train a young generation of engineers with the abilities to promote innovation in the hi-tech and traditional industries as well as harness the frontier of science for these purposes.
The Forum for Engineering Education at the 21st Century

The Forum for Engineering Education at the 21st Century

The Forum is a platform incorporating representatives of universities, colleges of engineering, government ministries and agencies, industry and youngsters, working together to advance insights and paradigms for engineering education, reflecting the needs of the 21st century.
The aspects of establishing an academic center in the city of Petah Tikva

The aspects of establishing an academic center in the city of Petah Tikva

Examining different possible models for a new academic center in the city of Petah Tikva, including the school for outstanding and gifted students, or any alternative to such a center. Using several methodologies such as interviews and literature review, three possible models were devised and presented to the management of the  Petah Tikva Municipality to select the best model suitable for the urban ecosystem: Lifelong Learning center, novel applied academic center, and a combination of a Lifelong Learning Center and an existing academic center.
Characterizing master plan for the industrial park Mishor Rotem

Characterizing master plan for the industrial park Mishor Rotem

Industrial zone Mishor Rotem is the largest in Israel. Some major industries already reside there, hence the purpose of this research is to characterize a master plan for future development and realization of its national-wise, great potential.
שדרוג המערכת הכלכלית בצפון

Upgrading the Economic System of the North

In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industrie, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure anchors and non-linear growth generators, was submitted to the Government.
The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center was established in 2011 and its objective is to promote a national industrial policy. The Center helps formulate and promote a proactive policy of industrial excellence, intended to sustain a balanced and high-quality national industry that maintains a healthy lifecycle, which is tested by its global competitive advantage and quality employment of all sectors of society. The Industrial Excellence Center is also part of the Israel 2028 Vision.
Success and Failure Factors of Leading Companies in Israel

Success and Failure Factors of Leading Companies in Israel

The aim of the study, is to review the Israeli industry since the establishment of the state until today, in order to draw lessons from the accumulated experience and try to reach understandings and recommendations for the future.
Science Communication

Science Communication

The mass media strongly influence the public’s understanding of – and engagement with – science and related policy issues. Print, broadcasted and online news form a major science related information source. However, scholarship has devoted little attention to communicating science in the Israeli context.
קידום המו"פ והחדשנות בפריפריה בישראל

Promoting R&D and Innovation in the Israeli Periphery

The study, commissioned by the Israel National Council for Research and Development (MOLMOP) at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, was aimed at providing decision makers with an updated account of the innovation and R&D activities in Israel’s peripheral areas.
Information centers of MAGNET Consortia

Information centers of MAGNET Consortia

A computerized information center, one of the largest in Israel, operates at the Samuel Neaman Institute. The center was established to fulfill the needs of knowledge management and to supply information science services to consortia that operate within the MAGNET program, and is part of the MAGNET program of the Ministry of Economy.
Issues for Formulating a Metropolitan Plan in the North

Issues for Formulating a Metropolitan Plan in the North

The promotion and positioning of the northern region as an attractive metropolis for industry and the Israeli public is constantly on the public agenda.
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