National Strategy

National Strategy
National Food Security – Israel 2050

National Food Security – Israel 2050

Food and water are essential national resources that fulfill crucial roles both in immediate survival and in broader nutritional security. The term refers to a situation in which individuals, households, and communities have the physical, social, and economic means to access sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary requirements and food preferences, enabling an active and healthy lifestyle.Food and water are essential national resources that fulfill crucial roles both in immediate survival and in broader nutritional security. The term refers to a situation in which individuals, households, and communities have the physical, social, and economic means to access sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary requirements and food preferences, enabling an active and healthy lifestyle.
Why are the Property Rights of Israel’s Kibbutzim and Cooperative Villages Still Tantamount to Vassals?

Why are the Property Rights of Israel’s Kibbutzim and Cooperative Villages Still Tantamount to Vassals?

Many of the victims of the massacre by Hamas on Oct. 7 were members of the communal (kibbutzim) and cooperative (moshavim) villages located next to the barrier from Gaza. An unexposed fact is that their land and housing rights and thus their household capital – even after several generations - are worse than under feudal landlords. This holds for such village across Israel. Our socio-legal-empirical research seeks to raise the veil from this archaic and unjust public policy which has become entrenched and blind. Without extensive legal and policy rethinking, the survivors returning to the villages after reconstruction will still have to live under a quasi-feudal land regime.
Research and Formative Evaluation for a Health Program in Arab Society

Research and Formative Evaluation for a Health Program in Arab Society

The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Authority for the Economic Development of the Minority Sectors seeks to promote a focused government program for the health of the Arab population in Israel. The program aims to provide "root treatment" for health conditions and disparities in healthcare services.
Underground Infrastructures: Technologies and Means Survey

Underground Infrastructures: Technologies and Means Survey

As part of the project, a survey of the capabilities and means used in a case of fire emergency in underground structures will be conducted. By reviewing the open sources information, a comparison with various countries will be made in the field of existing standards and measures and future technologies.
Affordable Housing: Developing Policy, Awareness and Pilot Projects

Affordable Housing: Developing Policy, Awareness and Pilot Projects

Housing affordability, or the lack of it, was the issue that sparked the mass social protests of Summer 2011, with tent camps in tens of cities and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators. This project works to develop new policies to promote affordable housing and social mixed neighborhoods in Israel. We draw on the experiences of other developed countries in creating new tools of regulatory planning and financial innovations.
Proceedings of The International Conference On Privatization In Higher Education

Proceedings of The International Conference On Privatization In Higher Education

The S. Neaman Institute is leading a movement for critical examination of the university of the future and higher education in Israel. In this context, in December 2004, the Institute sponsored an international scientific conference entitled "The Transition to a Mass Higher Education System - International Comparisons", in cooperation with the United States-Israel Educational Fund, which manages the Fulbright Program for student and faculty exchanges, and the ISEF Fund.
Enlarging Water Supply in Israel Through Non Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction and Prevention of Sewage Leakage

Enlarging Water Supply in Israel Through Non Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction and Prevention of Sewage Leakage

The report requested by the National Inquiry Committee, aiming to investigate the water crisis in Israel. The report indicates the loss of fresh water from water distribution and leakage in the order of 64 million cubic meters per year, and leakage of sewage water of estimated 100 million cubic meters per year. The study did not include water losses by the rural sector.
Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Continuing the efforts to actually implement the program "Israel 2028 – Socio Economic Vision and Strategy in Global World", the Samuel Neaman Institute initiated several projects designated to prepare a multi-annual implementation programs, in collaboration with government agencies.
Mapping National Research Infrastructures

Mapping National Research Infrastructures

The purpose of the research is the mapping of the existing national research infrastructures and the definition of the needs of Israeli researchers with respect to the upgrade and establishment of new research infrastructures.

Israel's Public Diplomacy (Hasbara)

The S. Neaman Institute, together with Israel Foreign Ministry, has initiated a project to develop a Public Diplomacy Plan (Hasbara) for the State of Israel. The project is based on the assumption that despite the ongoing exercise of public diplomacy by governmental entities and other authorities, there is a real need to periodically evaluate the contents and methods used, to redefine audiences and agents on the conceptual and strategic levels, and to check the actual level of activity.
Reclaiming the Dead Sea: Alternatives for Action

Reclaiming the Dead Sea: Alternatives for Action

The aim of this project was to evaluate and present different alternatives for rehabilitating the Dead Sea and the Jordan River. In the process, three main alternatives were examined: "business as usual", introducing sea water into the Dead Sea (from the Mediterranean or from the Red Sea), and water supply from the Jordan River.
Promoting Sustainable Development in the Negev Desert

Promoting Sustainable Development in the Negev Desert

The goal of this research and development project is to endorse genuine sustainable development for the Negev. The program is carried out by the S. Neaman Institute team in collaboration with the Sustainable Negev NGO.
Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

In the past, industry has not always adequately addressed environmental issues, nor have the authorities developed laws and bylaws suitable to tackle these problems. Yet over the last decade, governmental and municipal authorities are taking a hard line on environmental issues, and public awareness of environmental risks is increasing.
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel

Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel

The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics, is to present data on the science and technology human resources in Israel. This data will assist the MOLMOP members in shaping a policy concerning science and technology labor force training for the industry and academic sectors.
Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel

Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel

In 2004, the S. Neaman Institute established a research project to address the fundamental problems facing the State of Israel and the Jewish people. To that end, the Institute assembled a group of the country's top thinkers and researchers in different areas of expertise - philosophy, society, law, politics and technology
A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel

A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel

The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the S. Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemical and pharmaceutical activities in Israel, presents alternatives and proposes new industry branches in this field.
סדרי עדיפות לאומית בנושאי איכות סביבה

Studies: National Environmental Priorities

One of the functions of the Samuel Neaman Institute is to bridge the gap between academia, industry and decision-makers by making applicable, up-to-date information and research-based knowledge accessible to state institutions. The documents of national priorities compiled at the Shmuel Ne'eman Institute deal with a variety of issues that are important to raise on the public agenda.
"Israel 2020" to "Israel 2050"

"Israel 2020" to "Israel 2050"

The "Israel 2020" plan was profoundly affected by current planning practices. All of "Israel 2020"'s principles have been implemented in the National Outline Plan for Building, Development and Preservation, NOP no.35, that was approved by the Israeli National High Committee for Planning and Building and by the Israeli Government.
סקר קשרי החוץ של ישראל במדע ומחקר ופיתוח ברמה הלאומית והמוסדית

A Survey of Israel’s Foreign Relations in Science, Research, and Development at the National and Institutional Level

In 2014, the Neaman Institute completed the first phase of the survey of Israel's foreign relations in R&D at the national and institutional level. As part of this stage, a comprehensive survey was conducted, and a computerized database was established.
Studies: Climate Change – Adaptation (Israeli Climate Change Information Center – ICCIC)

Studies: Climate Change – Adaptation (Israeli Climate Change Information Center – ICCIC)

In accordance with a government decision, the Ministry of Environmental Protection was tasked with preparing a national plan for Israel's adaptation for climate change. To this end, the ministry has decided to establish an Israeli knowledge center on the subject, which will work to strengthen the existing scientific knowledge in everything related to preparing for climate change in Israel and will even work to market the accumulated Israeli knowledge in other target countries.
Advanced Manufacturing – Formulating a National Policy

Advanced Manufacturing – Formulating a National Policy

This study is intended to formulate a national policy proposal for promoting and implementing advanced manufacturing in Israel and help in its implementation.
Grand Strategy For Israel

Grand Strategy For Israel

The Overarching Strategy Forum was established at the initiative of the former national security adviser to the Prime Minister and the head of the National Security Council, Prof. Uzi Arad.
ועדת המולמופ למדיניות חלל אזרחי

The National Council for Civilian Space R&D in Israel

Dr. Gilead Fortuna’s appointment as a member of the National Council for Civilian Space R&D Committee in 2012 allowed the Samuel Neaman Institute to become more active and contribute significantly to the National Council for R&D. Furthermore, in 2012 there were three meetings of the committee, during which Dr. Fortuna was appointed to head the sub-committee that deals with R&D strategy in space.
אסטרטגיה לאומית
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