Promoting Sustainable Development in the Negev Desert

The goal of this research and development project is to endorse genuine sustainable development for the Negev. The program is carried out by the S. Neaman Institute team in collaboration with the Sustainable Negev NGO. We provide academic guidance, and contribute to policy and planning initiatives design, and to policy and program implementation assessment. We also assist the stakeholders regarding applied communication and dispute management skills and tools.

During 2006 this program addressed four issues: National and international activity regarding desertification, e.g. as related to UNCCD - the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification initiatives; the promotion of the Zin Desert project, as an international model for sustainable development of arid regions; the promotion and further enhancement of the chemical industry initiative (responsible care) aimed at sustainable development and genuine dialogue between industry and community; and the development and assessment of models for sustainable towns, neighborhoods and communities.


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