Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2013

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Ayalon Ofira, Lev-On Miriam, Lev-On Perry, Goldrath Tal, Liebes Idan. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2013 Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2014.
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The issue of global climate changes is the subject of worldwide attention, due to its environmental, economic and social implications over both the developed and developing world. The government of Israel recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (in spite of no formal international commitment to date, as well as the halt in the national program for GHG emissions reduction), and acts accordingly. Consequently, about 4 years ago a voluntary reporting of GHG emissions project was founded. The project operates with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and it is targeted at industrial, commercial, financial and other corporations and institutions.

The reporting array was launched during 2010 (as a pilot year). In 2013 (reported during 2014) 50 institutions and corporations from a wide range of sectors reported their emissions. The sum of the reported emissions accounts for over two-thirds of the total emissions in Israel. The process of outlining the reporting procedures and methodologies, as well as supporting and keeping track of the reports, was performed by the Environment and Energy team of the Samuel Neaman Institute in the Technion  and a team from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, alongside with cooperation work from a wide range of stakeholder.

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