Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 - The Case of Israel Part II. SWOT Analysis A Global Benchmarking Study of Israel

Cite As:
Maital Shlomo, Barzani Ella. Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 - The Case of Israel Part II. SWOT Analysis A Global Benchmarking Study of Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2020.

This report is Part II of a three-part research paper, Build Back Better: Toward A Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 – the Case of Israel. In it we present a SWOT analysis of Israel’s strengths and weaknesses, risks and opportunities, based on global benchmarks. It is based on a new book by Ruchir Sharma, 10 Rules for Successful Nations which includes analysis of extensive global historical data for 56 nations that have achieved sustained economic growth

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