The Chemical Industry 2000 Potential for Future Growth
Chemical industry has been stagnating for many years. Long term trends are analyzed. There exists a potential for growth.We have identified market segments that are growing faster than other segments of the chemical industry. These were presented in 3 groups of potential areas for growth for the Israeli chemical industry:1) Families of intermediate: Synthesis gas […]
Supercomputers In Israel – Feasibility and Alternatives
This document discusses the need for super computers in Israel and possible ways to install such equipment. An examination of the current situation in Israel is presented. In addition, the concept of a national central facility for super computing is compared with that of distributed local centers. The report is concerned with the case of […]
Report on the Israeli Information Technology (IT) Market
The IT market in Israel includes all the import of computer hardware and software, local software development, software projects and auxiliary services of the computer industry. In 1995 the Israeli IT market was evaluated at US$ 2 billion, 0.5% of the world market. Hardware import amounts to US$ 506.3 million and software imports, to US$ […]
Proceedings of the International Workshop on The Interaction between Medicine and Engineering
Engineering and medicine are grass-routes disciplines. Both grow by responding to practical needs and thrive on the progress of science and technology. Most noticeable is the huge effect that modern technology, associated with new macro and micro imaging techniques and molecular scale diagnostic technologies, had on expanding the frontiers of medical science, and cardiology in […]
The Chemical Industry 2000, Phase A
מוכל בחלקו ב”The Chemical industry 2000, Potential for Future Growth”, מ1995
Distributed Algorithms, WDAG ’92, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, No. 647
WDAG is intended to provide a forum for researchers and other parties interested in distributed algorithms and their applications. The aim is to present recent research results, explore directions for future research, and identify common fundamental techniques that serve as building blocks in many distributed algorithms. Papers were solicited describing original results in all areas […]
Technology and Ethics, Proceedings of the Whizin International Symposium, Haifa
This publication summarizes the Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Ethics and Technology, held at the Technion on July 18-19, 1992 as a cooperative venture of the Technion and the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. The interface between science and technology on the one hand and ethics – in particular from a Jewish […]
השפעת המחשבים על הוראה ומחקר במתמטיקה ובנושאים אחרים
הוועדה של מוסד נאמן/טכניון למתמטיקה ומחשבים בתוכנית הלימודים מונתה על ידי פרופ’ ב. סילבר ופרופ’ ז. תדמור ב- 26 ינואר 1989. היעדים של הוועדה כפי שהוגדרו בכתב המינוי היו: א. ללמוד באופן מעמיק את התחום והתוכן של יסודות המתמטיקה בלימודי הנדסה, בהתחשב בהשפעה המשמעותית של טכנולוגיית המחשבים על כלים מתמטיים במדע, הנדסה ושיטות לימוד.ב. לבחון את […]
Computing and Computer Applications in Arab Countries, Report No. 6, Project No. 161
The computing and computer applications in Arab countries, especially in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, have taken a fast development since the 1970s. It is significant in four major fields: arabization of computer software, utilization of computing systems, science and computer engineering education, and a growing number of publications. The fast development is to be […]
חדשנות בצומת המדע והטכנולוגיה
הספר מכיל את המאמרים שהוצגו בכנס במוסד ש. נאמן. המטרה הייתה ליצור דיאלוג בין מדענים, מהנדסים, פילוסופים והיסטוריונים בתחום מדעים וטכנולוגיה.