Innovation in Israel 2010- Israel 2028 Implementation program Summary of workshop # 1 March 2010

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Fortuna Gilead, Shaviv Elad, Almog-Sudai Dorin, Elad Moshe, Lavi Yael. Innovation in Israel 2010- Israel 2028 Implementation program Summary of workshop # 1 March 2010 Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2010.
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As laid out in the plan, "Israel 2028 - Vision and Strategy in a Global World" the key economic objectives of the state are the State of Israel are to become one of the ten to fifteen leading countries in terms of income per capita, the country will strive to benefit all its citizens, for the quality of their life and the future of the younger generation. The practical objective is to reach a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) level of USD 50,000 per capita by the year of 2028.

To get to this target, we must leverage our scientific and technological capabilities and be innovative in building global knowledge base industries in areas that Israel has relative advantage that allows us to obtain long-term global leadership.

"Innovation 2010" was launched as a follow-on project to the "Israel 2028" project with the goal of identifying areas with potential for building a global leadership that will enable long-term sustainable industrial foundation, understanding the challenges and barriers and suggests ways to overcome these barriers.

One area where such potential exists is the area of cleantech. Workshop held on 03/02/2010 cleantech experts for preliminary insights hunter directions labels. On 2.3.2010 an experts' workshop was held to initiate the relevant study. The workshop serves as the basis for further study by mapping key issues about preferred cleantech areas, major barriers, relevant policy issues and highlighting issues for which there is consensus against controversial issues. The ultimate goal will be to reach a national program for the cleantech industry to be offered to the decision makers in Israel.

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