Trends in Hiring Demands for Professionals by Companies Belonging to the Association of Software Developers in Israel

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Cohen David. Trends in Hiring Demands for Professionals by Companies Belonging to the Association of Software Developers in Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 1994.
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We are lately witnessing a gap between demand and supply for professionals which might hamper further development of industry.

The professional training provided to new immigrants until now did, indeed, supply a considerable number of professionals to industry; this however, is not enough to answer the ever growing demand for more, on the one hand, and for specific training as demanded by the employed, on the other.

In view of the above and in order to be able to supply the human resource in the required quantity, quality and skill, we decided, together with the Ministry of Absorption and the Ministry of Labor to conduct a manpower demand survey. The task was entrusted to the S. Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology at the Technion in Haifa, an institute with experience in carrying out research of this sort, and which has recently completed a similar research for the Union of Electronic Industries in Israel. The planned research will supply us with data that will enable us, in cooperation with the Ministries of Absorption and Labor, to operate target oriented re-training courses for professions needed by industry. Furthermore, this research will also help locate potential new immigrant professionals in their land of origin and bring them to Israel knowing that work awaits them in industries compatible with their specific skills.

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