The Scarcity of Electronics Engineers and Computer Sciences Graduates in Companies Belonging to the Electronics Industry Association.

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Cohen David, Shalev Ilana. The Scarcity of Electronics Engineers and Computer Sciences Graduates in Companies Belonging to the Electronics Industry Association. Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 1997.
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This report summarizes a survey that was conducted in the months January-June 1997 in order to understand the shortage of electronic engineers and computer science graduates in companies incorporated in the Society of Electronic Industries. The survey was prepared by Ing. David Kohn and Ilana Shalev of the S. Neaman Institute at the initiative of Society of Electronic Industries of the Manufacturers Association of Israel, and the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The survey encompassed two main components:

a. Measuring the immediate shortage.

b. Measuring employment of graduates of electronics and computer sciences in the previous year.

List of components:

a. Measuring the immediate shortage

1. The immediate shortage was measured by analyzing 'wanted' ads which appeared on weekends in the three leading dailies: Ha'aretz, Ma'ariv, and Yediot Aharonot in January 1997, and verifying the trends in April 1997. The ads appearing in those newspapers constitute most of the ads appearing in the national and local press (the local newspapers in the central part of the country appear in the 'wanted' section of the national newspapers). The ads were sorted by companies, professions, specializations and size of demand.

2. Additional data was collected by questionnaires which were sent to companies incorporated in the Society of Electronic Industries. The questionnaires included the following paragraphs: engineers and practical engineer employed at present; engineers and practical engineers impossible to recruit at present; forecast of demand until December 1997, above the present inventory; forecast of demand for 1998 and the main missing fields of specialization.

b. Measuring employment of graduates of electronics and computer sciences in the previous year.

In order to measure the work market for electronic engineers and computer science graduates a survey was conducted among graduates of electronics and computer sciences graduates in 1996 at the following universities: Bar Ilan, Ben Gurion, Hebrew University, Tel Aviv and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

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