Studies: Innovation – Environmental Technologies

The expected increase in the world population, the depletion of water and land resources, the reduction of biodiversity, along with challenges arising from climate change, necessitate the use of innovative technologies to increase the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production, while reducing environmental, social and economic costs. The issue of Israeli environmental technologies (ET) and the business potential inherent in their development and marketing is on the public agenda and has been exposed in the various media. The ET market is considered one of the strongest and fast- growing markets in the world.

Samuel Neaman Institute's publications indicate the necessary steps for the State of Israel to utilize the potential inherent in this market - both for improving the quality of life and the environment in Israel and for the opportunity to export knowledge and technologies and create jobs in the field. The works reflect the main trends in the world, map the uniqueness and relative advantage of the Israeli economy and shed light on the barriers facing entrepreneurs, investors and industries in Israel. In addition, the policy papers detail basic principles for designing a supportive policy.

See also the reports of the Energy Forum on: Energy in a smart cityCombined photovoltaic and storage systems to produce electricity from solar energyMicrogrid and smart gridEnergy efficiency in Israel: system upgrades, environmental national priorities document on Innovative agricultural technologies industry and a research on Promoting energy conservation technologies in buildings.


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