Prof. Orit Hazzan

Prof. Orit Hazzan

About the Kidnaped Female Observers and Gender Education

About the Kidnaped Female Observers and Gender Education

In this column, Prof. Hazzan examines the topic of gender discourse in the context of one of the many lessons we must learn from the 7.10 failures.
The Flag Revolution

The Flag Revolution

Prof. Orit Hazzan on the flag revolution and what the Israeli flag symbolizes in protest the regime coup.
Between Mount Meron and Giv’at Zeev the ultra-orthodox autonomy is hiding

Between Mount Meron and Giv’at Zeev the ultra-orthodox autonomy is hiding

Prof. Orit Hazan about the hidden disaster in the ultra-orthodox society - the Education Autonomy
If Alona bareket can, so can you

If Alona bareket can, so can you

If you had 100 million shekels, how would you invest them? houses, a private jet, jewelry or football? Alona Barkat chose to invest this amount in a football club.
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