Stratigic Development of National Infrastructure

This project deals with the design of a long term strategy for development of physical infrastructure in the State of Israel. The project is based on the findings of the National Infrastructure in Israel - 2028 study, but with an expanded, longer-term perspective. While the 2028 study focuses on infrastructure requirements and options for development, the 2050 study emphasizes the importance of a systemic approach, taking into account the interactions between social and physical forces in the country. Special attention is placed on the interrelations between the different infrastructure systems.

The project's main focus is on land transportation systems (roads, rail), ports, energy transport, water and the environment. If the 2028 project's area of interest was mainly within the country's borders, the 2050 study has broadened this scope, embracing the geophysical reality of the country, and its implications on the relationships and cooperation with neighboring countries

The long time periods associated with planning, budgeting and building national infrastructure, and the need to maintain options for future development, demand long-term strategic planning. Special emphasis in this project was placed on incorporating new technologies whose feasibility has been proven in scientific studies and practical experience in other parts of the world.

The national infrastructure project team analyzes the projected demand for infrastructure in relation to population growth forecasts and various scenarios of economic growth. To establish a baseline for comparison, the study analyzed the projected infrastructure demands in a "business as usual" scenario. This analysis revealed that the main obstacles for infrastructure development are the physical, environmental, social and institutional constraints inherent in this scenario. In parallel, the potential contribution of an integrative approach to infrastructure development was examined, which took into account the economic, social and environmental elements, and evaluated their broad implementation, as well as infrastructure, as drivers of growth.


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