Yair Goldberg

Yair Goldberg
Senior Research Fellow

Yair Goldberg is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Technion Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences. His research utilizes statistical and machine learning tools to address theoretical questions and real-world problems. Recent publications have focused on assessing both the protection against COVID-19 provided by the Pfizer vaccine and its waning immunity. In recent years, he has been part of a research team advising Israel’s Ministry of Health on COVID-19 policymaking. Goldberg earned his PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He conducted postdoctoral research at the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was a faculty member at the University of Haifa, before joining the Technion in 2018.



Recognizing the potential harm of an academic boycott on Israel, the Samuel Neaman Institute has established an ad-hoc task force to address the issue under the concept of SCHOLAR SHIELD. This team collaborates with the University Heads' Committee, relevant government ministries, and other organizations.
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