
The Water Forum

The Water Forum

The "Water Forum", established in 2009 by the Samuel Neaman Institute in cooperation with Israel Water Authority and the Grand Water Research Institute at the Technion, serves as a platform for discussing and analyzing key issues in order to contribute to the formulation of white papers on a variety of topics in the field of water related strategy and policy.
Challenges for Water Usage in Global Industry

Challenges for Water Usage in Global Industry

This research project began in 2011 in cooperation with Newtech and the Israel Export Institute and was designed to increase the competitiveness of the Israeli water industry in the world. The project aims to map industrial sectors that use large amounts of water, requiring innovative technological developments to reduce water consumption per unit of product, to allow the release of emitted water while preserving the environment, and to highlight the solutions to opportunities and needs that will enable businesses to grow and become more robust.
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