Dr. Gilead Fortuna

Dr. Gilead Fortuna

Israel needs a new industrial policy

Israel needs a new industrial policy

A new industrial policy is necessary according to Dr. Gilead Fortunas' recommendations for how the State of Israel can manage the de-globalization process
Oblige companies to keep reserves for a period of crisis

Oblige companies to keep reserves for a period of crisis

A crisis is an opportunity to changes, and an opportunity to learn. Risk management must be considered in the management of companies, to be ready to cope with future crisis.
The importance of Haifa Chemicals

The importance of Haifa Chemicals

The workers of the chemical industry in Israel are the spearhead of a profitable and smart industry that contributes significantly to the economics of Israel.
Why Israel needs to promote its global Cleantech industry?

Why Israel needs to promote its global Cleantech industry?

Israel was recently recognized as a global leader in Cleantech innovation; A major barrier for Israel start-ups to leverage this innovation into competitive global industry is the lack of available funding of commercial projects at the after the technology had already been proven. This article reviews the Israel Cleantech innovations and recommendations for implementing a national policy for the global Cleantech industry is suggested.
Israel should join the fourth industrial revolution

Israel should join the fourth industrial revolution

Advanced manufacturing is the integration of new technologies in order to optimize and improve the processes of using them to manufacturing.
Berlin as an example: Israel does not need to be afraid from emigration

Berlin as an example: Israel does not need to be afraid from emigration

Following our research on the life and the motivations of Israelis who live in Berlin, we recommend to update the national policy towards the Israelis that choose to immigrate or live abroad for a long period.
Realization of opportunities in natural gas

Realization of opportunities in natural gas

In a situation where the cost of conversion to gas is not financially possible for many companies in the economy, and when there is a source of supply risk, there is need to organize the construction of infrastructure in high urgency and to seek ways to expedite the realization of the potential at lower risk.
Core infrastructure for the industry

Core infrastructure for the industry

A policy of designing industrial clusters, which provide core infrastructure for designated industrial sectors is implemented very successfully in recent years in many countries as inspired by the management guru Michael Porter. It works well for Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and other countries.? It's time to plan smart infrastructure for the industry in Israel.
The Other Side of the Start-Up Nation

The Other Side of the Start-Up Nation

Alongside the Blossom of the Start Up industry, we need to find the way to grow bigger companies that will enable to expand the innovation fruits to wider population for the benefit of the Israel economy. The article relates to the dilemmas and optional solutions.
Israeli innovation dilemma: Wize and Better Place as a metaphor

Israeli innovation dilemma: Wize and Better Place as a metaphor

The lesson from the success of waze and failure of Better Place is that it is not possible to implement the whole vision at the start of your journey. It is more important to build a company step by step, while understanding the market limitations and the customer expectations.
For them, it costs more

For them, it costs more

Only large companies benefit from the production of natural gas. Traditional industries will be left behind
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