Anath Arzee-flugelman

Anath Arzee-flugelman
Senior Research Fellow and Head of Health

MD Hebrew University of Jerusalem
MPH Public Health, University of Haifa
MA Law, University of Haifa

Specializations: Public health, medical education, medical ethics

Dr. Anath Arzee Flugelman is a prominent and experienced physician with specializations in family medicine, epidemiology, and public health. She holds master’s degrees in both public health and law. Anath serves as a senior physician at the National Israeli Cancer Control Center where she has gained significant clinical expertise in pioneering cancer prevention initiatives. Her notable contributions include spearheading the BRCA mutation early detection campaign. Beyond her clinical and research endeavors, Flugelman is a highly regarded figure in the field of medical ethics. She is an esteemed mentor to medical students, and lectures at Technion on the intersection of the human genome, society, law, and ethics.

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