
Energy Forum

Energy Forum

The purpose of the Energy Forum meetings is to provide a professional platform where professional can discuss specific energy related topics. At the same time, the Forum allows multilateral discussions encouraging projects in the fields of renewable and energy conservation. The forum meetings serve as a platform for defining professional, applicable positions, to be used by relevant decision makers.
Empowering the Classical Industry

Empowering the Classical Industry

2016 was characterized by the promotion of the outline proposed by the Committee to Empower Classical Industry, expanding it into other areas, such as education, promoting technological-vocational education
Sectorial Specialization and Diversification Indices for R&D

Sectorial Specialization and Diversification Indices for R&D

Economic activity that is concentrated in a small number of sectors could indicate specialization and that competitive advantages are being exploited. However, it can also render the economy vulnerable to risks arising from technological and economic shocks.
The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center

The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center

The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center was established in 2000 to encourage the study of empirical economic of Israel in issues related to the economy of research and development, the high-tech sector, innovation, human capital and productivity.
An Analysis of Israel

An Analysis of Israel's Renewable Energy IndustryAn Analysis of the Renewable Energy Industry of Israel

This project began as part of a joint venture with the Newtech unit at the Ministry of Economics, and since 2015 it has continued with the funding of the Samuel Neaman Institute, as part of the Industrial Excellence Center. The goal of the project is to leverage Israel's position as a leader in the field of renewable energy, including energy production and its integration into the energy system, efficiency improvements, and the development of fuel substitutes.
Future Trends in Israel Seamanship: Marine Manpower

Future Trends in Israel Seamanship: Marine Manpower

About 99% of Israeli trade is transported by sea. Despite the peace agreements with Jordan and Egypt, in times of war it is impossible to rely on these bordering countries for overland trade routes, and therefore, Israel has to maintain and develop its maritime routes in peacetime and all the more so in wartime. Thus, this study focused on analyzing the needs of the Israeli economy, taking into account the expected developments of Israeli shipping and the infrastructure development of ports in Israel.
Indices for Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel and international comparison

Indices for Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel and international comparison

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Samuel Neaman Institute identified the need to establish an infrastructure for advancing a systematic and ongoing process of forming national policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI). The objective of this program is to improve the understanding of the STI system of Israel and to answer the question of how processes associated with the development of science, technology, and innovation contribute to increased knowledge, increased productivity, improved economic performance, professional employment, sustainable development, and social welfare. Understanding of the process is based on the collection, analysis, and correct presentation of the various relevant indices and on the analysis of trends as they change over time and in comparison with other countries.
The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center

The Industrial Excellence Center was established in 2011 and its objective is to promote a national industrial policy. The Center helps formulate and promote a proactive policy of industrial excellence, intended to sustain a balanced and high-quality national industry that maintains a healthy lifecycle, which is tested by its global competitive advantage and quality employment of all sectors of society. The Industrial Excellence Center is also part of the Israel 2028 Vision.
Finished Projects
Tax Benefits for Business R&D in Israel

Tax Benefits for Business R&D in Israel

This project examines the tax incentives system to encourage R&D in the business sector in Israel. More than two thirds of OECD countries and many others encourage R&D activities in the business sector with tax benefits based on the volume of R&D expenditures reported by the firms.
Innovativeness in the Traditional Industry

Innovativeness in the Traditional Industry

A joint venture of the Center for Innovation and Knowledge, Faculty of Industrial and Management, Technion and the Samuel Neaman Institute.
The Contribution of Large Companies to the National Economy

The Contribution of Large Companies to the National Economy

This project deals with the contribution of the large companies to the industrial and technological economy, in order to examine whether the existence of the large companies is essential to the industrial-business ecosystem. Related activities began in 2012, and continued in 2013 in cooperation with the economists Dr. Freeman and Yuval Niv. An additional partner in the project is Teva, which helps with the data required to assess its total contribution to the state's economy.
The Evaluation of Demand and the Evolution of Sores of Knowledge in Sectors and Regions that are Knowledge-Intensive

The Evaluation of Demand and the Evolution of Sores of Knowledge in Sectors and Regions that are Knowledge-Intensive

This research was done within the framework of Pick-Me project – WP 5. The study analyzing data collected in a field survey of the ecosystem created by the RAD Bynet group of companies, which fostered some 130 startups of various types.
Adapting the Demand for Training Knowledge Workers in Local Labor Markets

Adapting the Demand for Training Knowledge Workers in Local Labor Markets

This research was done within the framework of Pick-Me project – WP 6. In this study data gathered in an Israel Central Bureau of Statistics survey among more than 5,000 Israeli university and colleage graduates were analyzed. The survey examined the extent of the graduates’ integration into the labor market.
Innovation of Foreign R&D Centers in Israel: Evidence from Patent and Firm Level Data

Innovation of Foreign R&D Centers in Israel: Evidence from Patent and Firm Level Data

The research sets out to investigate the impact of multinational companies (MNCs) on the Israeli economy in terms of demand for innovation.
Examining R&D Activity Areas, Infrastructure and Labor Force in Subjects Involving Space

Examining R&D Activity Areas, Infrastructure and Labor Force in Subjects Involving Space

This work was commissioned by the National Space Committee, the National Council for R&D. The objective of this study is to provide data and information to all entities operating in the field of space R&D on their role and the status of personnel and infrastructure at their disposal, in order to help the NCRD formulate a national plan for the development, preservation, and promotion of R&D in the field of space.
Introducing a Packaging Law in Israel - Potential and Possibilities for Application

Introducing a Packaging Law in Israel - Potential and Possibilities for Application

The research involves collection of technical, economic and administrative data, mainly from Europe, which is a leader in this field, examination of alternatives for applying packaging law under Israeli economic conditions, and recommends a preferred option.
National Innovation Strategies: International Comparisons and Collaborations

National Innovation Strategies: International Comparisons and Collaborations

In 2004 the S. Neaman Institute launched a research program for the study of the variety of issues which motivate - and prevent - business innovation in Indo-Israeli economic cooperation. The premise of the program has been the recognition that Israel and India have complementary interests in forming sustainable economic relationships.
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel

Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel

The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics, is to present data on the science and technology human resources in Israel. This data will assist the MOLMOP members in shaping a policy concerning science and technology labor force training for the industry and academic sectors.
Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

In the past, industry has not always adequately addressed environmental issues, nor have the authorities developed laws and bylaws suitable to tackle these problems. Yet over the last decade, governmental and municipal authorities are taking a hard line on environmental issues, and public awareness of environmental risks is increasing.
Promoting Sustainable Development in the Negev Desert

Promoting Sustainable Development in the Negev Desert

The goal of this research and development project is to endorse genuine sustainable development for the Negev. The program is carried out by the S. Neaman Institute team in collaboration with the Sustainable Negev NGO.
International Collaboration On Energy - Israel-New Jersey Cooperation

International Collaboration On Energy - Israel-New Jersey Cooperation

In 2006, The S. Neaman Institute was asked by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC), to pinpoint Israeli companies which are capable of participating in solar energy tenders at NJ, Meadowlands.
National Infrastructure in Israel - 2028

National Infrastructure in Israel - 2028

This national strategic plan integrates economic and social factors designed to meet the following mission statement: The State of Israel will be among the world's ten to fifteen leading countries in terms of income per capita; it will strive for the good of all its citizens, their quality of life and the future of its young generation.
Reclaiming the Dead Sea: Alternatives for Action

Reclaiming the Dead Sea: Alternatives for Action

The aim of this project was to evaluate and present different alternatives for rehabilitating the Dead Sea and the Jordan River. In the process, three main alternatives were examined: "business as usual", introducing sea water into the Dead Sea (from the Mediterranean or from the Red Sea), and water supply from the Jordan River.
The Acceleration of Arab Society

The Acceleration of Arab Society's Involvement in the Israeli Economy and Business Sector

The national importance and the urgency of accelerating the Arab citizens' integration into Israel's economy is increasing in Israel. A variety of state, business and voluntary organizations are dealing with this subject. For this purpose, we intend to hold a series of discussions with the major organizations dealing with the economic/business aspect of the subject
Prime - Euro CV

Prime - Euro CV

The Euro CV project was part of the PRIME network of excellence that examined the use of new indicators for science, technology and innovation (ENID). The PRIME network operated within the EU's Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6).
Evaluation of the Space Industry

Evaluation of the Space Industry's Impact on the Israeli Economy

This project is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the Economics of National Security (ENS) Research Program. Its goal is to map out the interconnections between Israel's academy, national defense system and industry in light of the country's growth in space industry and in space technology R&D.
Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel

Continuing the efforts to actually implement the program "Israel 2028 – Socio Economic Vision and Strategy in Global World", the Samuel Neaman Institute initiated several projects designated to prepare a multi-annual implementation programs, in collaboration with government agencies.
Innovation 2011 – Active Industrial Policy for leveraging Science and Technology and Israel

Innovation 2011 – Active Industrial Policy for leveraging Science and Technology and Israel's Unique Culture of Innovation.

The program commenced at the end of 2009 and ended in 2011. The project was initiated by the U.S.-Israel Science and Technology Foundation, was authorized by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor and led by the Chief Scientist of the Ministry. Innovation 2011 is a strategy for implementing the mission outlined in "Israel 2028 –Vision and Strategy for Economy and Society in a Global World," initiated by the U.S.-Israel Science & Technology Foundation and presented to the Government of Israel.
National Infrastructure in Israel for the Year 2048

National Infrastructure in Israel for the Year 2048

This is an ongoing project that deals with long-term planning on developing national infrastructures. Planning long-term infrastructure is of great importance for Israel for at least three reasons: the limited physical dimensions of the country; the continued relatively rapid demographic growth; and the long time required for planning and execution of infrastructure projects. Among the main goals of the research is to keep options open in the long-term, remove barriers that would prevent the construction of strategic facilities and networks, and a coordinated and optimized use of the limited areas of the country.

Israel's Policy on Developing Transport Infrastructure

This research focuses on preparing a policy document on the subject of a transport master plan for the National Council for Economy at the Prime Minister's Office. The objective of the study was to assist in the development of a policy to be determined by the Government on the subject of road and rail transport development in Israel.
Cooperation Policy in Business and Science with East Asia

Cooperation Policy in Business and Science with East Asia

Within the national policy framework to expand cooperation with the East, an issue that was discussed in the past has been raised again in practical terms, namely the collaboration between Israeli industry and leading industries in China and India. Two large Israeli companies were recently acquired by leading companies of China and India; the company "Makhteshim Agan" was acquired by Chem China and the company "Taro" were acquired by Sun Pharma, a well-known Indian company.
Other Projects at Samuel Neaman Institute on Innovation and the Global Crisis

Other Projects at Samuel Neaman Institute on Innovation and the Global Crisis

In 2009, Prof. Shlomo Maital completed writing a book about the global crisis.
Intellectual Property in the Government Sector: The State of Affairs

Intellectual Property in the Government Sector: The State of Affairs

The goal of the study is to create an infrastructure for forming a policy on the issue of intellectual property rights to knowledge that constitutes a product of R&D activity that is funded by the government and executed by governmental agencies/civil servants. The aim is to consolidate recommendations on guidelines in order to build a strategy for managing intellectual property in accordance with the government R&D objectives and to study the implications of knowledge transfer owned by the government through the commercialization of intellectual property rights.
National Policy for Packaging Waste Management

National Policy for Packaging Waste Management

The aim of this research was to examine policy alternatives for sustainable management of packaging waste in Israel. The work includes the definition of packaging types, weight estimation of packaging waste produced in Israel, a survey of packaging waste treatment methods in Europe and around the world
Innovation in Israel 2010 - Implementation of "Israel 2028" program

Innovation in Israel 2010 - Implementation of "Israel 2028" program

continuation of ISRAEL 2028 - Vision and Strategy, we are running an implementation project. This project is aimed to leverage the science and technology with the innovation culture into a national policy of enhancement a global competitive and sustainable industry.
Adopting ICT in agriculture, education and development of the rural space

Adopting ICT in agriculture, education and development of the rural space

This study deals with the cultivation and optimization of innovation in agriculture, using ICT as a means to design agricultural education for a variety of ages and the development of the rural sector. These are of strategic importance to Israel. The recommendations and conclusions derived from the study were incorporated in the report by the Samuel Neaman Institute whose objective was to empower classic industries. The report was presented in 2012 to the Ministry of Agriculture and regional rural organizations.
Affordable Housing: Developing Policy, Awareness and Pilot Projects

Affordable Housing: Developing Policy, Awareness and Pilot Projects

Housing affordability, or the lack of it, was the issue that sparked the mass social protests of Summer 2011, with tent camps in tens of cities and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators. This project works to develop new policies to promote affordable housing and social mixed neighborhoods in Israel. We draw on the experiences of other developed countries in creating new tools of regulatory planning and financial innovations.
A Project for Developing an Infrastructure Corridor between Haifa Port and the Jenin Border Checkpoint

A Project for Developing an Infrastructure Corridor between Haifa Port and the Jenin Border Checkpoint

The goal of this specific project, submitted by the Samuel Neaman Institute as part of the general project, is to develop an effective and sustainable infrastructure corridor between Haifa Port, Gilbo'a Region, and the border crossing point near Jenin, adjacent to which an industrial zone and logistics centers will be built, on both sides of the border.
Innovation in the Service Sector

Innovation in the Service Sector

This initiative by the Samuel Neaman Institute with joint funding of SNI and the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, is designed to examine innovation in the service sector for the first time in Israel.
Policy Incentives for Knowledge Creation

Policy Incentives for Knowledge Creation

The project is implemented under the Seventh Program of the European Union (FP7), a consortium that consists of seven countries (Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, the UK, and Israel). The purpose of the project is to examine empirically the role of the demand side in the creation of technological knowledge, recognition of technological and organizational innovation, and encouraging the increase in productivity. The project is formally complete and our contribution was expressed in five outputs.
Empowering the Classical Industry

Empowering the Classical Industry

2016 was characterized by the promotion of the outline proposed by the Committee to Empower Classical Industry, expanding it into other areas, such as education, promoting technological-vocational education

Israel's SETI system - a series of studied by UNESCO on science, engineering, technology and innovation policy

The study was commissioned by the Israel Academy of Sciences and will be published in UNESCO's series of studies on Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (SETI) policies during 2015.
The Society and National Security

The Society and National Security

This program was initiated at the beginning of 2004 and ended in March 2005. The aim was to create a forum for the research of national security that will be an independent research group sponsored by the S. Neaman Institute.
Science, technology, economics (STE)

Science, technology, economics (STE)

STE is a core program of the S. Neaman Institute, aimed at developing national policy alternatives for key issues lying at the interface between Science, Technology and the Economy.
Grand Strategy For Israel

Grand Strategy For Israel

The Overarching Strategy Forum was established at the initiative of the former national security adviser to the Prime Minister and the head of the National Security Council, Prof. Uzi Arad.
University Patent Commercialization

University Patent Commercialization

Managing the opportunity discovery and evaluation process to enhance expected value
"Wheels of Life" in Israel

"Wheels of Life" in Israel

The "Wheels of Life" project was launched in 2013, in order to compare Israel's performance with the performance of other countries in five main dimensions of Israel's society: economics, innovation, science and technology, society-governance- education, environment, and energy. The data source used for comparative analysis is the World Competitiveness Yearbook of the IMD School of Management, a leading business school in Lausanne, Switzerland, which presents data on a wide range of global competitiveness variables in 60 countries.
Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox Population in the Israeli Economy

Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox Population in the Israeli Economy

The Ultra-orthodox (U-O) Integration Project was inaugurated at the Samuel Neaman Institute in 2010, following the recommendations of the ”Israel 2028” Project. The goals of the UOI Project were to investigate the subject and provide recommendations as to how to enhance the participation of the U-O population in the labor market in Israel. During the last 5 years, the project team has produced a multitude of analyses on various aspects of the subject matter and has published numerous reports, which in turn had significant impact on the national policy in this area.
Investments In Higher Education And Scientific Research In Israel: An International Comparative Perspective

Investments In Higher Education And Scientific Research In Israel: An International Comparative Perspective

The research investigates the relationship between investments in higher education and scientific research, on the one hand, and the economic performance of developed countries on the other.
שדרוג המערכת הכלכלית בצפון

Upgrading the Economic System of the North

In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industrie, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure anchors and non-linear growth generators, was submitted to the Government.
Proceedings of The International Conference On Privatization In Higher Education

Proceedings of The International Conference On Privatization In Higher Education

The S. Neaman Institute is leading a movement for critical examination of the university of the future and higher education in Israel. In this context, in December 2004, the Institute sponsored an international scientific conference entitled "The Transition to a Mass Higher Education System - International Comparisons", in cooperation with the United States-Israel Educational Fund, which manages the Fulbright Program for student and faculty exchanges, and the ISEF Fund.
The Economics Of Higher Education (EHE)

The Economics Of Higher Education (EHE)

Over the past year, a broad research activity took place on the topic of "The Economics of Higher Education: Towards the redesign of the 'Israeli Model'" (in short, EHE), in collaboration with Forum Sapir. The higher education system in Israel is undergoing a profound crisis, which calls for a swift revision of the basic premises upon which it has functioned over the past half century.
Arab minority participation in collective action

Arab minority participation in collective action

The societal and economic integration of the Arab minority is considered an essential factor for Israel. This research inquires how Arab minority members resolve the social dilemma of participation in collective action at the general society level. We use behavioral experiments methodology.
Funding Basic Science In The Universities

Funding Basic Science In The Universities

The study relates to various institutions and methods, which include: The Israel Science Foundation, the First program; the budgeting model at the Planning and Grants Committee, and various other sources.
Effects Of Privatization On The Quality Of Higher Education

Effects Of Privatization On The Quality Of Higher Education

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between privatization in higher education and the quality of universities. An interesting fact is that of the top 10 universities in the US, nine are private. Previous studies have claimed that there is a relationship between the privatization of universities and their quality, since countries with a high proportion of private resources have superior universities.
Economics of National Security Program (ENS)

Economics of National Security Program (ENS)

The ENS Program was launched at the end of 2003 as an intermural research program aimed to initiate, encourage and support academic research on the mutual links between economic conditions and national security. Its main goals are to provide in-depth analysis of the economic costs and consequences of the Israeli security situation, the contributions of security and defense expenditures to economic progress, and to estimate the resources allocated to Israel's defense.
Sectorial Specialization and Diversification Indices for R&D

Sectorial Specialization and Diversification Indices for R&D

Economic activity that is concentrated in a small number of sectors could indicate specialization and that competitive advantages are being exploited. However, it can also render the economy vulnerable to risks arising from technological and economic shocks.
"Israel 2020" to "Israel 2050"

"Israel 2020" to "Israel 2050"

The "Israel 2020" plan was profoundly affected by current planning practices. All of "Israel 2020"'s principles have been implemented in the National Outline Plan for Building, Development and Preservation, NOP no.35, that was approved by the Israeli National High Committee for Planning and Building and by the Israeli Government.
Evaluation of the Program Salary-Employment Advancement of New Immigrants

Evaluation of the Program Salary-Employment Advancement of New Immigrants

The current study was commissioned by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption in cooperation with the Samuel Neaman Institute. The main goals of the research were: to identify the factors which affect the employment of immigrants at the conclusion of the period of assistance and in the course of time, examine the effect of running the program on the employment of new immigrants and formulate recommendations that could assist policy makers in improving the program.
100 Days Project

100 Days Project

The aim of the “100 Days Project” is to formulate a socio-economic agenda that proposes solutions to some of the main issues the Israeli community faces and that will serve as a road map for the first 100 days of the next government.
Strategic Policies for Increasing Arab Women

Strategic Policies for Increasing Arab Women's Participation in the Labor Market

A significant problem facing the social and economic development of Arab society today is the low rate of Arab women's participation in the labor force. Only one fifth of Arab women participate in the labor force, compared to 60% among Jewish women in Israel. This low employment rate is reflected in the high poverty levels in Arab society where more than 50% of the Arab households live under the poverty line according to the 2008 statistics.
Technion’s Contribution to Israel and to the Development of Technology in the World, Through Its Graduates

Technion’s Contribution to Israel and to the Development of Technology in the World, Through Its Graduates

This project documents the contribution of Technion faculty and graduates, to Israel and to humanity. It includes a Web-based survey of Technion graduates, to which over 4,000 alumni/ae responded. The results of the survey were analyzed and processed; we extrapolated the data to represent the population of all Technion graduates since the Technion was founded.
Characterizing master plan for the industrial park Mishor Rotem

Characterizing master plan for the industrial park Mishor Rotem

Industrial zone Mishor Rotem is the largest in Israel. Some major industries already reside there, hence the purpose of this research is to characterize a master plan for future development and realization of its national-wise, great potential.
עץ החרוב: פתרון מערכתי, מהפכני ורדיקאלי למשבר הפנסיה הקשור להחלטות בהווה ובעתיד

The Carob Tree:A Radical Evolutionary Systemic Solution to the Pension Crisis

We propose an original, radical and systemic solution, based on an evolutionary social transformation of present-future choice toward increased saving; a proposal that addresses the roots of the pension crisis, not just the symptoms.
Industrial Symbiosis in the North of Israel

Industrial Symbiosis in the North of Israel

The term "Industrial Symbiosis" describes a situation in which an industry develops a symbiosis with another industry in a beneficial way for both parties, so that the waste of one organization can serve as raw materials for the other industry. As part of a pilot initiated by the Ministry of Economy, 4s LTD. promotes the project in the North of the country, with Dr. Fortuna and prof. Ayalon as consultants.
National Policy on the Use of Natural Gas

National Policy on the Use of Natural Gas

The application of natural gas in industry requires that the dilemma concerning its transportation in Israel be studied. According to the solution that was selected, a government company transports the gas to the distribution centers and to the largest consumers, but transport to smaller industries is left to private enterprises. We believe that this leads to small and medium industries having an unequal opportunity to realize the benefits of natural gas, and that the present design will mainly affect classic industries, whose energy costs constitute a significant part of their expenses, and whose profits do not allow them to be competitive without replacing liquid fuel with natural gas.
R&D Project On Fighting Terror

R&D Project On Fighting Terror

This project is a joint effort of the Council for National Security and the S. Neaman Institute. In this project, various methods for supporting and enhancing R&D to combat terror are evaluated, integrating the private, government and defense sectors.
The Martin and Dorothy Kellner Health Promotion Program

The Martin and Dorothy Kellner Health Promotion Program

The program will consist of a longitudinal field study in a medium-size Israeli town where an intensive and comprehensive program will be implemented on the individual, family, and community levels. The program falls in the realm of primary prevention which will focus on individuals at high risk for a physical disease, who have not yet been affected by the condition to be prevented.
Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel

Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel

In 2004, the S. Neaman Institute established a research project to address the fundamental problems facing the State of Israel and the Jewish people. To that end, the Institute assembled a group of the country's top thinkers and researchers in different areas of expertise - philosophy, society, law, politics and technology
Haifa Ports - The Growth Engines For the North of Israel

Haifa Ports - The Growth Engines For the North of Israel

The connection between the port and the port city and its surrounding area is a dynamic and multi-dimensional relationship. In this review, the interaction is examined from the economic dimension. Over the years, the port served as a strong economic anchor, although in many cases the question was asked whether the port contributes to the development of the city and the region, or, alternatively, the city contributes to the development of the port and the region.

Israel's Land Policy and Housing Prices Abstract – Summary of Pilot Study

SNI has taken on the challenge to examine the reasons for the increase in housing prices in Israel. Among other things, it was found that investing efforts to curb the high housing prices ignores the implications of the fact that only in Israel, unlike all other OECD countries, most of the land reserves are nationally owned.
the construction of an insdustrial park in the areas of shfara

the construction of an insdustrial park in the areas of shfara'am

A master plan for the construction of a new industrial park at the closed quarry of Shfar'am, consolidates a recommended strategy for the new industrial zone in Shfar'am, to be built in the quarry adjacent to the eastern side of the town of Shefar'am. For the first time in Israel, an Arab municipality is leading a significant process of promoting the combined Jewish-Arab economy.
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