Burning Trash and Generating Energy from Industrial Waste

The publication contains translation and transcript of lectures on the subject of Industrial combustion of waste, and also treatment of liquid industrial wastes.
Mapping and characterization of models for the establishment of waste facilities through local authorities

In the summer of 2024, Israel is grappling with a severe waste crisis. Frequent policy changes and the absence of a long-term strategy have led to a situation where landfill space is rapidly depleting, while there are still insufficient waste treatment facilities to provide a viable alternative. This crisis is felt more acutely in the […]
The waste management crisis – A national project. Summary and recommendations The waste forum of Samuel Neaman Institute

In recent years, the State of Israel has reached a serious waste crisis. Already in the State Comptroller’s reports published in 2021 and 2022, and in the Israeli PRTR (mandatory reporting on emissions) published in recent years, it was possible to identify a problem due to the emission of carcinogenic substances and greenhouse gases – […]
A retrospective on the national policy for municipal solid waste management in Israel 2007-2022

In Israel, approximately 6 million tons of municipal solid waste are produced each year, which includes household waste, bulky waste, and commercial waste (hereinafter: “waste”). The regulator in the field is the Ministry of Environmental Protection (hereinafter: “the Ministry”), while the local authorities are responsible for the collection and disposal of the waste and bear […]
Separation of Organic Waste – at the Source or at a Facility?

The waste management in Israel is in a deep crisis – the legal framework and waste treatment infrastructure are lacking; recycling rates are low compared to OECD countries and the amount of waste produced per capita is growing every year. The waste management in Israel is in a deep crisis – the legal framework and waste […]
Industrial symbiosis – barriers for implementation in Israel

Industrial symbiosis is defined as wastes or by‐products of an industry or industrial process that used as a resource or raw materials for another. The purpose of industrial symbiosis is to create loops of materials while minimising the leakage of natural resources as water, energy and waste – demonstrating some key parts of a circular economy, at a local scale […]
Feasibility of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) waste treatment facilities in Israel

This study was conducted as part of research funded by Mifal Hapais (the Israeli Lottery) and the Center for Local Authorities. The lack of compatibility between the waste management policy in Israel and the reality in the field raises the following question: What are the factors that hinder the establishment of end-treatment plants in Israel? […]
Integration of waste-derived alternative fuels in Israel’s transportation system – Phase B: economic analysis and life cycle assessment
This objective of this paper is to provide an initial economic analysis for the production of transportation fuels by anaerobic digestion of biomass and gasification of general waste (including synthetic waste materials). Based on phase A of this study, the analysis details the maximum amount of alternative fuels which could be produced from waste in […]
Integration of waste-derived alternative fuels in Israel’s transportation system – Phase A: literature review
This paper was submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, and provides a thorough review of the current available technologies for using waste as a source for alternative fuels, as well as an estimation of the available waste supply in Israel. The document layout: Review of the three waste-derived transportation fuel production technology […]
Hazardous Household Chemicals and Hazardous Waste: Policy and Procedures Recommendations For Implementation in Israel

This National Priorities document, the ninth to be published, focuses on an important subject that does not get the exposure it deserves – the issue of how chemicals and hazardous household waste are handled in Israel. This subject is hardly discussed and managed at the national level and is rarely discussed in the media. Most […]