Clean Energy Innovation Policy in Israel: Identifying Fundamental Principles through a Case Study of Smart Grid Policy

This project has been conducted in cooperation between the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (SNI) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The goal of the project has been to analyze policy lessons emerging from Israel’s successful efforts to spark, direct, and accelerate the process of technological […]
A Computational Analysis of R&D Support Programs

Government R&D support programs are examined within a dynamic equilibrium model of imperfectly competitive industries in order to study the effectiveness of such programs and the extent to which their design matters. We compare two common support schemes, R&D tax credit and direct R&D grants. Adopting comprehensive welfare measures that take into account government, producer […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the mineral mining industry

This report reviews the mining and ore processing industry, in order to identify the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving .o the environment/ recyclingving water, he water treatment need water, reuse, recycle and regulated emission to the environment. This is the second report […]
“Toward Mapping National Innovation Ecosystems: Israel’s Innovation Ecosystem”

We present a method for building visual national innovation ecosystem maps, showing a country’s full innovation system, and illustrate it by constructing and presenting such an innovation map for Israel
VC Policy: Moving from a Financial Perspective towards a Systemic and Evolutionary Framework (STE-WP-42)
Many VC policies in Europe up to and including the 1990s took a financial view of VC that focused on bridging financial gaps rather than creating of a new mechanism to assure the emergence of higher forms of organization, such as a cluster or a market. Following the weak impact of some of these policies, […]