Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the 21st Century
In the first quarter of the 20th Century engineering education underwent a revolutionary change as a result of the penetration of the exact sciences into the curriculum. Consequently, instead of teaching current technologies, engineering schools began teaching all-embracing fundamental principles of the engineering sciences that can cope with the quickly changing technologies. But, in the […]
Gender Issues in Computer Science and Software Engineering
This research focuses on women in the software industry. It addresses three sub-topics: Female high-school pupils studying of computer science: Formal and informal data indicate that the percentages of the high-school female pupils who study computer science at the level of 5 points (the higher level) of the matriculation exam remain relatively low (about 25%). […]
Seminar: Training and Qualifying Teachers in Science and Mathematics
Report on the activity of the project “Scientific and technological education towards the 2000s” Prof. Gad Elam, Faculty of Physics, Technion I would briefly define the purpose of the research as the formulation of science education policy. Research was conducted by a team of the Technion in collaboration with people from other institutions, where members […]