International Round Table Phase I for Advancing Skills in STEM Education
The report outlines the International Round Table for Advancing Skills in STEM Education, which was led by Dr. Eli Eisenberg, Prof. Arnon Bentur, Dr. Avigdor Zonnenshain, and Tamar Dayan in January 2023. The initiative was organized by the Samuel Neaman Institute and involved various central bodies and institutions in Israel and worldwide. The document provides a comprehensive overview of the initiative, its objectives, methodologies, and key insights from the discussions. It aims to develop a common language and practical tools for promoting STEM excellence skills in education.
The Scarcity of Electronics Engineers and Computer Sciences Graduates in Companies Belonging to the Electronics Industry Association.
This report summarizes a survey that was conducted in the months January-June 1997 in order to understand the shortage of electronic engineers and computer science graduates in companies incorporated in the Society of Electronic Industries. The survey was prepared by Ing. David Kohn and Ilana Shalev of the Samuel Neaman Institute at the initiative of […]
Electronics 2000: Developments in Academic Engineering Education in the Field of Electronics
This review of developments in higher education in Israel and the world in the field of electronics and computer engineering, including implications on curricula updating, constitutes one of four stages of the “Electronics 2000” project aimed at creating an updated infrastructure for Israel’s electronic industry. A survey was conducted on the development of higher education […]
The Impact of Computers on Teaching and Research in Mathematics and Related Subjects
The Neaman Institute/Technion Committee for Mathematics and Computers in the Teaching Schedule was appointed by Prof. B. Silver and Prof Z. Tadmor On 26 January 1989. The objectives of the committee as defined in the appointment letter were: a. To study in depth the scope and contents of the expected and desired mathematical foundations in […]
Engineering Education 2001
The book is the final report of a Technion Israel Institute of Technology working group on the future of engineering education. The report reviews the evolution of modern engineering education and recommends contextual and organizational changes facing the 21st century. Among others the report recommends that university trained engineers, after receiving the B.Sc. degree after […]
Self-efficacy, Interpersonal Skills and STEM Career Choice The Case of the FIRST Project
In view of the acute lack of STEM professionals, there is dire need to encourage more students to elect STEM studies. The robotics program For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), whose participants are students 5–18 years old, employs project-based learning (PBL) principles to develop interpersonal skills. The FIRST program applies science, technology, […]
Mapping continuing and external learning for academia graduates in the STEM areas, and the expected needs for LLL in the areas of emerging technologies
Lifelong Learning (LLL) represents an additional stage in the “education chain,” supplementing primary, secondary, and tertiary education. LLL should systematically impart essential knowledge, abilities and skills across various domains that are in demand in the labor market. LLL opportunities should be accessible to all graduates, enabling them to continue advancing through self-directed learning or formal […]
Creative Ideation: A Review of the Literature
This research paper surveys over 30 research papers on “creative ideation”, focused on (a) the form of novel and useful ideas, a definition of creativity, and (b) the function, or process, of Creativity (defined as ‘widening the range of choices’). A pervasive theme is the tension between the open, “wild” creative thinking and the disciplined […]
Technology environment that accelerates sharing and professional development for mathematics teachers The case of RAMZOR
The multi-phase Study described in this paper is a part of an R&D project aimed at examining the development and the implementation of a digital environment named RAMZOR for constituting opportunities for professional collaboration among mathematics teachers and supporting their efforts to plan and realize their complex daily tasks. The results of the study indicate […]
Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources 2019
This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to execute forecasts of the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields / professions for the short term (10 years). The past two decades […]