Review of the challenges to the Israeli Industry and the business sector in the next decade

A Trial to summarize the major global trends, that will affect the Israeli Industry and the business sector, and to learn from them the needed policy of the Industrial sectors in the next decade. This research is prepared to set the ground for round table discussions within the Centre for Industrial excellence with the participation […]
Ancillary benefit assessment of JNF forests: physical and psychological well-being, cultural services, and economic aspects

The research is conducted in collaboration with the Shamir Research Institute and funded by the KKL-JNF. The study deals with how KKL-JNF forests contribute to the mental and physical health of their visitors and provide system services in the cultural and psychological aspects. The study focuses on the current contribution and possible ways to enhance […]
Build Back Better: Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 – The Case of Israel Part III

This report is Part III of a three-part research paper, Build Back Better: Toward A Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 – the Case of Israel. In this essay we propose a strategic long-run plan for Israel, as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. employing a visual approach for benchmarking economic, social and […]
Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 – The Case of Israel Part II. SWOT Analysis A Global Benchmarking Study of Israel

This report is Part II of a three-part research paper, Build Back Better: Toward A Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID-19 – the Case of Israel. In it we present a SWOT analysis of Israel’s strengths and weaknesses, risks and opportunities, based on global benchmarks. It is based on a new book by […]
Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID 19 The Case of Israel Part I

This three-part research paper proposes a strategic long-run plan for Israel, as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. It is based on three key sources: a landmark pre-pandemic UN report, on how nations can build back better after natural disasters, along with related research, (See Part I), a new book by Ruchir Sharma, 10 Rules […]
Save lives, save jobs

This essay surveys emergency economic bailout programs in the wake of the pandemic, including the Israeli program, at a cost of 80 billion shekels.
How to Generate Information from Round Table Discussions: A Methodological Paper
The common denominator in Round Tables (RT) discussions is that an agenda with key questions and objectives is prepared and disseminate before the event. Some of the RT are very structured and some are more loosely facilitated. Eventually a report is prepared summarizing key findings and recommendations. This note is presenting different methodological approaches for […]
Brain-Storming about Home-Front under War Situation.

On Dec. 7, 2018, a Brain-Storming meeting took place at the Samuel Neaman Institute. The meeting was solicited by the Israeli National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), at the Defense Ministry. The B-S comprised 18 experts from different disciplines.The B-S process produce 4 clusters of relevant issues: 1. Descision-Making and Dilemmas 2. Media, Social-Media Information and Spokesmanship […]
Grand Strategy For Israel

Formulation of a national “Grand Strategy for the State of Israel” which contains 3 clusters of issues: Statesmanship, global & regional developments and the Palestinian issue; Science, Technology and Education; Society, Economy and Government. A FORUM of 100 leading individuals was established to overview the project and it was carried out by working teams of […]
Issues in developing a metropolin plan for the north of Israel

The report is intended to provide tools for combining in regional planning considerations of economic development and employment in a more intensive way, based on new models for regional development and data which is relevant to the north of Israel. The data is partly based on previous study carried out in Neaman Institute for economic […]