Living together on multicultural campus: Student’s Perspectives in Israeli Higher Education Institutions
This survey examined attitudes, perceptions, and experiences regarding studying in multicultural academic institutions among Jewish and Arab students in various universities and colleges across Israel. The research provided response to numerous issues related to studying in multicultural academic institutions that were not examined at all by the local scientific research, such as the promotion of universal values by the institutions or the practical consequences of studying in them. It also provided a response to issues that were examined in a relatively limited way in the past, such as perceptions of academic climate in campus, experiences of racism and discrimination, and perceptions of distance, foreignness and alienation inside campuses.
Roadmap and Key Steps for Non־Animal Protein (Plant and Alternative) Towards Israel’s Food Security 2050
The report examines the role of non-animal proteins (plant-based and alternative) in securing Israel’s food supply by 2050. With population growth, environmental challenges, and reliance on imports, strengthening domestic production of non-animal proteins is crucial for reducing vulnerability to climate and global supply chain disruptions.
The Triad Research University Model or a Post 20th Century Research University Model, University Education and Human Resources
In this paper a model for the future research university is proposed, which answers some of the key challenges facing universities. It consists of three independent yet closely knitted entities: a research institute, a university teaching college and a business unit creating a “triad” structure. The possible inevitability, the advantages and disadvantages of the model […]
Preliminary Reflections on Knotty Issues, University Education and Human Resources
On Mass Higher Education and Institutional Diversity, University Education and Human Resources
It is an honor and pleasure to have been asked to speak to this conference, organized by Neal Sherman and the Israel-American Fulbright committee. I have had long and close ties with Israel, and I am delighted to have a chance to talk with you about your institutions of higher education in this way. It […]
Social and Economic Implications of Employee Cutbacks
Introductory remarks Prof. Bilha Mannheim This seminar, held in the framework of the Samuel Neaman Institute for advanced studies in science and technology at the Technion and in cooperation with the Haifa district New Labor Organization, is the third in a series of seminars held in the last three years in this framework. It is […]
The Golden Age of Scientific Technological Research University
The current crisis in the classical research university scene, the on-going fusion of science and technology which is driving a new scientific-technological revolution, the changing rationale of research funding, and the need of advanced nations to develop competitive, knowledge-based economies, have set the stage for a potential ‘golden age’ for Scientific Technological Research Universities (S&TRU). […]
Project renewal in Israel 1979-1994, Annotated bibilography in Hebrew and English.
Project from the start of actual work in the neighborhoods (1979) to the early nineties. A. Combined physical and social rehabilitation. B. Avoiding the relocation of people from their homes and demolition of old buildings. C. Resource allocation based on neighborhood need. The collection of references in this partly annotated bibliography is intended to serve […]
Potential for Higher and Continuing Education: Profile of Achievements, Environment and Character of Gifted Individuals Identified in their Twenties
This report describes a research project by the National Institute for Examinations and Evaluation, commissioned by the Samuel Neaman Institute on the subject of follow-up on gifted pupils found through their achievements in the psychometric examinations. The research describes a profile of achievements, environmental background and personality characteristics of the gifted with high learning potential. […]
A Survey of Technion Graduates – Class of 1989
This report contains the responses of Technion students who graduated in 1989. The survey was carried out during January – May 1996, i.e. about 6 years after graduation.1052 questionnaires were sent out, 413 were returned and analyzed. Some of the major findings: There is a high degree of appreciation for the Technion among graduates. A […]