for Progress

Evaluating the Infrastructure Program of the Science and Technology Ministry

The scientific infrastructure program of the Ministry of Science and Technology has been operating since 1995 in order to bridge the gap between basic academic research and applied development and aim to reduce the maturation time of applied technological ideas. The program provides research grants at a stage where it is difficult for researchers to […]

Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources

The past two decades have been characterized by accelerated growth of new technologies in the fields of robotics, communications and information systems, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy and more. Technologies that affect all areas of the economy (health, education, industry, agriculture, trade, etc.) and dictate new work patterns, new professions while others disappear and appropriate training and […]

Knowledge flow in Technological Business Incubators: Evidence from Australia and Israel

The study of the contribution of incubators to economic growth started to gain momentum in the 1980s, following the growth of the incubation phenomenon. While acknowledging the challenge of evaluating incubators׳ outcomes, we shift the focus from incubators׳ performance to their internal processes, in particular, the interrelationships through which the incubator stakeholders share knowledge. The […]

Grand Strategy For Israel

Formulation of a national “Grand Strategy for the State of Israel” which contains 3 clusters of issues: Statesmanship, global & regional developments and the Palestinian issue; Science, Technology and Education; Society, Economy and Government. A FORUM of 100 leading individuals was established to overview the project and it was carried out by working teams of […]

Israel-Us Academic Relations

Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) is a national network of students, faculty members, and professionals, whose goal is to strengthen the pro-Israel movement on campuses across the US. The research department of the ICC addressed SNI and requested a review of the development of academic relations between Israel and the United States over the past […]

Advanced Manufacturing

Development of national policy for promoting advanced engineering in the Israeli industry, by several activities, like: A survey of the status of advanced manufacturing in the world and in Israel, study of the status of advanced manufacturing in Israeli companies and its improvement potential, Mapping & studying Israeli companies with solutions & technologies for advanced […]

Is there a Shortage of Academic Degree Holders in Science and Technology?

This research extends previous work by the authors, “The Role of Research Universities in the Israeli R&D System”, by investigating the possible shortage of graduates with academic degrees in S&T. Contrary to common views, we conclude that there currently is no overall shortage in the number of S&T degree recipients. Some 10,000 receive a first […]