for Progress

The world of engineering and engineers

The book presents the fundamentals of engineering science and engineering art, which is common the various engineering disciplines, which together make up the engineering profession. The book reviews and analyzes especially the principles of the engineering art, the interactions between engineering and science and between engineering and society, as well as the engineering education and […]

Academia in the pandemia period

Summary of the insights and conclusions brought up in a conference on the activities of academia in the period of the corona crisis. The topic addressed include the role of basic research in the era of crisis, the involvement of academia in the national decision-making process and the education for the job market.

Crossing the Valley of Death Between Academic Research and Effective Policy

Why does much valuable academic research fail to impact public policy?  I argue that the way forward to relevance and credibility for economics lies through RCT’s – randomized controlled trials, in which the methodology of scientific experimentation joins with the theoretical insights of behavioral economics. By joining the insights of behavioral economics with the rigor […]

Medical research in Israel a wake up call for the government before the next crisis

An analysis of CBS and OECD data on government investments in medical R&D reveals a gloomy picture: only 0.5% of government R&D investments are in the health care sector; the past five years have seen a 20% decline in hospital research funding compared to other OECD countries, Israel is ranked lower in R&D health investments. […]

Some evidence towards the path to Scientific Excellence

The scientific community is taking for granted as an axiom that academic freedom, free competition, free publication, mobility, peer review  etc. will lead to scientific excellence.  Is there any evidence for these assumptions and if so what are the preconditions for it to succeed? In this paper we will try to relate to some of […]

Perceptions of Technion Alumni and Students on Developing Their 21st Century Skills

21st century skills are essential for career readiness. We investigated the development of those skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) higher education, as reported by students and alumni of a top-tier research university. Involving senior management at the Institute, we designed a questionnaire aimed at investigating 14 skills and administered it to 1,578 participants. […]

Economy and Society Adjustments to the Post-Corona Era: Recommendations

With the outbreak of the Corona crisis, we harnessed our best effort in an attempt to present insights and possible ways of action that would make the corona crisis an opportunity that would put the State of Israel on a path of growth and well-being for all its residents.  We have endeavoured to present a […]

Chemistry education: Where are we headed?

In view of the decline in popularity of chemistry in high schools and the decrease in the number of teachers and schools in which chemistry is taught, the current research has examined trends in motivation and reasons for choosing a career in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or chemical education and recommend ways to foster these […]