for Progress

Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison -2023 – Part a – Key figures

Big lightbulb drawing with circuit of network connection, graphs and financial analysis. Icons of communication and business process. Concept of new ideas and creativity

The report consolidates a diverse range of metrics, which are analyzed, organized, and presented in tables and visualization. It tracks trends over time and compares Israel’s performance to selected countries. The analysis includes insights, dividing the data into three main chapters: the business sector, the governmental sector, and the higher education sector. An additional section focuses on national R&D expenditure, detailing its distribution across these sectors and offering international comparisons.

Manpower Needs in the Maritime Sector as a National Resource

Fishing farm in Kotor bay, Montenegro. Close up view with mountains on background

This report summarizes Part A of the work. The research aims to examine the following aspects in the field of ‘The Sea as a National Resource’: what professional disciplines are required, what educational continuum is currently provided within academic institutions, what human resource needs will be required in the field, what gaps exist, and what recommendations are needed to fill these gaps. The work will help expand understanding and knowledge regarding future scientific and technological human resource requirements for the field, providing background and a situation assessment that will contribute to policy-making processes and strategy development for investments in human resource training.

Self-efficacy, Interpersonal Skills and STEM Career Choice The Case of the FIRST Project

In view of the acute lack of STEM professionals, there is dire need to encourage more students to elect STEM studies. The robotics program For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), whose participants are students 5–18 years old, employs project-based learning (PBL) principles to develop interpersonal skills. The FIRST program applies science, technology, […]

Engineering, Society and Environment

Engineering has a crucial role in the development of human civilization and its influence is especially prominent in the current era. This influence extends beyond the direct effects of engineering artifacts and it has increasing indirect impacts, positive and negative, such as those associated with environment and society, such as increase in societal gaps. Modern […]

Absorption of Senior Israeli and Foreign Researchers in Israeli Universities

This research, carried out at the request of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, relates to Israeli and foreign researchers who were senior faculty members in universities abroad and chose to accept position of Associate or Full Professor in Israeli universities.The study provides a recent mapping of these researchers in Israel including their research […]

Strategic Competition – U.S. China 2022 – An Israeli Perspective

This survey paper reviews recent research in the rapidly changing relations among the triangle of Israel, China and the United States. Israel has long enjoyed a special relationship with the US, in trade, investment and technology, and in recent years, has benefited from trade and infrastructure investment with China. US-China rivalry has greatly complicated this […]

Benford’s Law: A survey of its varied applications

Benford’s Law, or Newcomb-Benford Law, states that in many data sets, the leading digits (1’s, 2’s, etc.) will be much more frequent – 30% will be 1’s, for instance. This law has been widely used in many applications, including detection of fraud and data manipulation. This paper surveys some of the more interesting papers, and […]

Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources- Mapping, Best practices, and Policy recommendation for multidisciplinary studies in Israel

In recent decades, the demand for employees with multidisciplinary higher education has increased. In recent years, the Samuel Neaman Institute has conducted studies on technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources needs. It was concluded from our studies that to meet the emerging industries’ needs for human resources, it is necessary to expand and […]