for Progress

Defense R&D and Economic Growth in Israel: A Research Agenda, Science, Technology and the Economy Program STE-WP-4

When evaluating Israel’s high-tech capabilities and impressive economic achievements since inception, it is difficult not to recognize the important role played by defense and military developments. In particular, defense-related R&D had significant impacts on, as much as it was aided by, Israel’s industrial sector, higher educational system in science and engineering, research community, and the […]

R&D, Subsidies and Productivity, Science, Technology and the Economy Program STE-WP-7

In this paper we formulate a model that extends the traditional theoretical literature on the optimal management of an R&D project by emphasizing the model’s empirical and policy implications. We solve the firm’s dynamic problem and use the resulting optimal R&D policy to assess the role of subsidies aimed at stimulating R&D activities. The theoretical […]

Spatial Diffusion of Industrial Innovation and Regional Development

A new horizon of the history of mankind opened at the end of the 20th century. Facing the new picture of the world, arising out of the growth of the technological culture, everything has to be thought about from now on, from assumptions of values, through principles of deed, to details of execution. The enormous, […]

The Contribution of Science to Israeli Security

This survey was commission by President of the Technion, Professor Zehev Tadmor, as part of a series of surveys on the contributions of science to the State of Israel on its 50th anniversary. The project was initiated by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Even before the establishment of the State of Israel the […]