for Progress

The Technological Incubators in Israel: Technological Policy in an Era of Privatization

During the last twenty years there has been a concentrated efforts made by the Israeli government to support and develop the high-tech industry. Among other means, a prominent place is kept for the Technological Incubator Program, which was established in 1991. The technological incubators are supportive frameworks, which help initiators in their first steps to […]

Firm Growth Profiles (FGPs): Towards an Action-Based View of Firm Development STE-WP-24

The paper presents the concept of the Firm Growth Profile (FGP) which contributes to the creation of a dynamic Resource-Based View theory by explaining how capabilities are developed in path-dependent processes. An FGP represents the pattern of critical actions taken by a firm in different value activities (e.g. R&D, marketing, production and finance) during subsequent […]

The global Environmental Market – An Economic Opportunity for Israel Primary model to assess the costs and benefits of governmental investment in the field of environmental technologies

Israel can and should play a viable role in the global market for environmental technologies. The role of the government should include not only direct financing of this sector, but also help in marketing, “door opening” and governmental insurance. The basic assumption of the model is that by using the governmental aid, the odds of […]

Evolutionary Venture Capital Policies: Insights from a Product life Cycle Analysis of Israel’s Venture Capital Industry, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-20-2003

The significance of VC as a component of the Silicon Valley model of high tech has led many countries during the 80s and 90s to implement government policies aimed at stimulating this activity. This paper suggests that a major factor in the failure of many of these policies to create an early phase, high tech […]

A Micro-Economic Approach to Government Support of R&D Investments in the Private Sector, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Workin

This paper focuses on the economic decisions of the government to subsidize investments in the private sector, and to discriminate among firms in its support programs. The presumption is that, by taxing corporate profits the government, affects investment decisions made by corporations and causes them to invest less than what would be socially optimal. Accordingly, […]