for Progress

An Examination of the Collaboration between Industry and the Technion’s Nanotechnology Infrastructure Centers

This research was invited by the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) in order to increase the collaboration between the industry and the Technion’s nanotechnology Infrastructure centers. The research includes a comprehensive survey of industrial companies that have used the Technion’s nanotechnology Infrastructure centers and industrial companies in the nanotechnology fields and other fields that can […]

A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators, second ed

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]

A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]

Strategic Innovation Policy (STE-WP-44)

Strategic Innovation Policy (SIP) emphasizes the importance of embedding innovation policy decisions (broadly defined to include science, technology, higher education policy, and policies to promote entrepreneurship and venture capital) within a fixed, knowledge-based strategic system. Creating a vision, identifying priority areas, and establishing a coherent set of priorities must occur before the design and implementation of […]

Evolutionary Interpretation of VC Policy in Israel, Germany, UK and Scotland (STE-WP-45)

Despite many attempts to develop high-impact VC policies during the 1990s in Europe , most VC markets in Europe are still underdeveloped. Many of these policies were based on ‘traditional’ VC policy involve a mix of monetary incentives and institutional changes. In this paper, we present an alternative evolutionary VC policy, which is based on […]

Israeli R&D Output: international comparison of scientific publications

תמונת הכריכה של הדוח: תפוקות מחקר ופיתוח בישראל: פרסומים מדעיים בהשוואה בינלאומית

The aim of this research is to analyze the Israeli Outputs of Scientific Research in comparison with selected countries using bibliometrics indices. The project include bibliometric analysis of the Israeli research output and evaluation of its quality and quantity in respect to the main scientific fields of the publications, their institutions and organizations attribution (academy, […]

The National Science and Technology Policy of Israel

The article reviews the evolution of Israel’s science and technology R & D policy. This policy is not based on any written document or master plan dictated in advance, but was formed gradually, over decades, at various times and by different people, in the corridors of government and the Knesset, universities and industry, which together […]

Evaluation of the NOFAR Program

The NOFAR program was conceived as part of the implementation of the recommendations made by the “Monitor Report,” and stresses the need to establish a fund to support the development in universities of inventions in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology that have a commercial potential, so as to increase the chances of successful transfer […]

Science , Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison (Third edition) English version

Neaman Institute is pleased to present the third edition of the “indices of Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel: An International Comparison.” This report is published in cooperation with the National Council for Research and Development Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. This publication contains many key figures for Israel regarding science and technology input and […]