Before You Launch: An Exhaustive Protocol for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Many believe that high risk is innate and inherent in entrepreneurship – ‘baked in the cake’. In this study, we argue that the failure rate can be significantly reduced by the intelligent use of a pre-launch protocol — a list of sixty-four “$64 questions”, that ask startup entrepreneurs to consider in advance the challenges and pitfalls they may face in future – in order to anticipate and prepare.
Sustainable developmentent of the Water Sector and the Fate of Agriculture

Israel used all that was worth pumping in the 1970’s already. Over- pumping today exceeds 500 million cubic meters a years and it will keep growing at an average rate of over 40 million cubic meters a year. Even over a decade ago the water system suffered severe shortage. Since then consumption grew on the […]
The Intelligent City: Stage 1: Establishment of a Community Network in Kiryat Tivon

During the last decade, and in particular with the proliferation of the internet, there have been numerous attempts around the world to develop community network. Many of these networks had failed and cease to operate, many have had partial success and limited use, only few can be defined successful. It is our claim that a […]
Increasing Productivity in R&D

The enormous development of high-tech areas during the last decade created an opportunity for many original developments and improvements of existing products. Most of the products are innovative, are based on advanced technology and require large investments in the R&D process. Market demands dictate efficient and fast development. An inefficient or slow development of a […]
Quality and Productivity in Research & Development

The third workshop on R&D quality and productivity was held at the Samuel Neaman Institute on June 17th, 1993 and is a direct continuation of the two previous workshops of the series, which were organized in the framework of a doctorate theses by Doron Meirsdorf under the guidance of Professor Ezey Dar-El, Dr. Ze’ev Bonen […]
Supercomputers In Israel – Feasibility and Alternatives

This document discusses the need for super computers in Israel and possible ways to install such equipment. An examination of the current situation in Israel is presented. In addition, the concept of a national central facility for super computing is compared with that of distributed local centers. The report is concerned with the case of […]
An Evaluation of the Promotion of Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Haifa Area

The goals of the current research are to establish the entrepreneurial interests and self estimated ability for business success of the immigrant population. In the current research four principle hypotheses may be defined. Overall, our goal was to obtain an indication of immigrant business potential and to assess the ability of SBDC (“MATT”) to reach […]
Distributed Algorithms, WDAG ’92, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, No. 647

WDAG is intended to provide a forum for researchers and other parties interested in distributed algorithms and their applications. The aim is to present recent research results, explore directions for future research, and identify common fundamental techniques that serve as building blocks in many distributed algorithms. Papers were solicited describing original results in all areas […]
The Impact of Computers on Teaching and Research in Mathematics and Related Subjects

The Neaman Institute/Technion Committee for Mathematics and Computers in the Teaching Schedule was appointed by Prof. B. Silver and Prof Z. Tadmor On 26 January 1989. The objectives of the committee as defined in the appointment letter were: a. To study in depth the scope and contents of the expected and desired mathematical foundations in […]
Computing and Computer Applications in Arab Countries, Report No. 6, Project No. 161

The computing and computer applications in Arab countries, especially in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, have taken a fast development since the 1970s. It is significant in four major fields: arabization of computer software, utilization of computing systems, science and computer engineering education, and a growing number of publications. The fast development is to be […]