for Progress

Ultra-Orthodox (‘Haredi’) Jews in Israel’s Society: A 2014 Status Report.

כריכת הדוח החרדים בחברה הישראלית: תמונת מצב, 2014

The issue of the Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) community in Israel and its possible integration with the Israeli society at large has become lately one of the most talked-about in the Knesset committees, Government offices, academic circles, the military, public debates —  where not? An interesting question in its own right is why the subject came up […]

Changes in productivity amongst Jewish women

תמונת כריכת הדוח השינויים בפריון הכולל בקרב נשים יהודיות

The following short report attempts  to examine some of the data relating to the total fertility trends amongst Jewish Orthodox women , as they were presented in the research of several scholars . Moreover, the document contains a preliminary analysis of the reasons for these trends . The tests mentioned in the paper point to […]


תמונה של כריכת הדוח: מח"ר כבר כאן

In November 2012 , the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC ) of the Council for Higher Education published a Call to all Israeli academic institutions encouraging the creation of specialized Haredi academic frameworks within existing institutions . This Call was the result of a process that began several years before and had gained momentum, after […]

Success Stories

הכריכה של הדוח סיפורי הצלחה

This book features 78 success stories that depict Ultra-Orthodox individuals, men and women,  in Israel, who have successfully integrated into the world of academic education , employment and the military. The stories were compiled by researchers in the Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project at the Samuel Neaman Institute, using contacts and sources of information at their disposal […]

Orthodox Employment – Information Booklet Second Edition

כריכת הדוח תעסוקת חרדים – חוברת מידע מהדורה שניה

This information booklet was written on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated at the Samuel Neaman Institute during the running of the “Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project”. The booklet is designed for managers and owners of companies and organizations, and human resource managers in these organizations – especially secular ones. It should provide them with the […]

Orthodox Employment – Information Booklet

כריכת הדוח תעסוקת חרדים – חוברת מידע

This information booklet was written on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated at the Samuel Neaman Institute during the running of the “Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project”. The booklet is designed for managers and owners of companies and organizations, and human resource managers in these organizations – especially secular ones. It should provide them with the […]

Haredi Integration: A Model, Possible Scenerios and Mapping

תמונת כריכת הדוח: שילוב חרדים: מודל, תסריטים ומיפוי

This report includes several articles, beginning with a model demonstrating a possible approach to government policy regarding Haredi Integration, followed by an examination of possible future scenarios pertaining to the pace of integration, and concluding with the  mapping of all academic institutes which cater for the Haredi public.

The Way to Integration

הדרך לשילוב

This report includes Policy Recommendations in several areas related to Haredi Integration: Determining Fiscal Policy,  Education and Training, routes into the Labour Market, and Military & Civil Service. The actions suggested should serve to broaden the integration of the Haredi population into the Israeli economy.

EMC Studies – a Report

כריכת הדוח דו"ח לימודי אמ"מ

This report includes an analysis of the gap existing in the Haredi Education curriculum due to the  lack of three subjects: English, Math, Computers. The report then presents 4 Policy Recommendations aimed at the integration of these subjects into the Haredi educational system.