Past initiatives to strengthen the Israeli society: Lessons from the Past

Israel is in the midst of a multidimensional crisis combining legislative initiatives, policy changes and public upheaval. This led to long lasting protests that exposed the fragmentation of the Israeli society. The Samuel Neaman Institute has addressed issues related to the Israeli society since 2005, including a unifying definition of societal resilience (Gal, Padan, 2020). […]
Community and Support Centers for Former Haredim – founded by Yotzim Le’Shinuy (‘Out-for-Change’) Association.

The goal of the study is to evaluate two Community and Support Centers for Former Haredim (one in Jerusalem, one in Tel Aviv) – founded by Yotzim Le’Shinuy (‘Out-for-Change’) Association. The study reviews the theory and working assumptions of the centers; characterizes the participants in the program in socio-economic aspects and quality of life indicators; […]
How to bring (more) Ultra-Orthodox students to science and technology studies? Summary of a Round Table meeting, 19.12.2021

Sixteen researchers, experts and relevant officials gathered on December 29, 2021, for a “Round Table” meeting at the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion to discuss the numerical scope we could expect of Ultra-Orthodox young men and women who would choose science and engineering studies in the Universities, and the effective ways to encourage these […]
‘Tal’s Law’ – Background, Challenges and Optional Solutions.

Following the unfortunate pass away of Judge Zvi Tal (22.6.2021), this is a concise report on the ‘Tal Law’, originally written in May 2012. Through the Tal Law and its two channels – the civic and the military – around 10,000 U-O youth enrolled into those service channels. In early 2012 the Supreme Court deliberated […]
Fixing military conscription by adding new mistakes? Critical comments on “Equal for All” guideline.

The report is a critical review on the content of an official “Guideline” submitted by the ‘Pnima’ movement in early 2020, entitled “Recruitment and Equal Service for All.” At the heart of the outline is the proposal that all sectors of Israeli society, including the Arab and ultra-Orthodox ones, will be recruited at age 18, […]
Preparedness of Ultra-Orthodox Population in Israel toward Earthquakes and Emergency Situations

Sample groups (N=692) within various Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) communities in Israel were surveyed in order to examine their perceptions, awareness and preparedness towards emergency situations, with special focus on earthquakes. In addition, several in-depth interviews were conducted with senior decision-makers in the area of emergency and with several opinion-leaders within the U-O community. The results of […]
What is happening inside the Haredi Home – Review of several aspects concerning the every day life of Ultra Orthodox Jews in Israel
The report focuses on four aspects related to every-day life of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel at present: Coping with economic pressure; Health, food and recreational habits; Use of internet, PC’s and private vehicles; Attitudes towards seculars. Data is based on external, recent, surveys. Based on the analysis of this data, it seems that presently, between […]
Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community

This is an exploratory study, solicited by the Trump Foundation in Israel, aimed at the assessment of the potential for excellence in Math and Physics studies within the current Haredi Educational System. The study illuminates some of the recent transformations occurring in this regard, both within the Yeshivot of the Haredi men, as well among […]
Between (MACHA”R) Tomorrow and Today: Academic System for Haredim at a Cross-Road
This report focuses on the evaluation of the MACH’AR (“Haredi Frameworks”) Program within the academic institutions in Israel. The program was initiated and conducted by The Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC), at The Council for Higher Education, with the purpose of enhancing Haredi integration into academic studies. The report includes a detailed mapping of those […]
How to bring Haredim to science and technology?
This report delineates the factors which may reinforce the integration of Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) individuals in science and technology occupations in Israel. In the background there is, first, a growing deficiency of scientific-technological manpower in Israel’s industry (especially high-tech industry), in R&D centers and in academic research institutes; on the other hand, there is obviously a […]