for Progress

A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators, second ed

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]

A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]

The Israeli innovation system: An overview of national policy and cultural aspects

The goal of this overview, which was prepared by the Samuel Neaman Institute, is to examine the national policies and cultural aspects that support and lead Israeli innovation. Material for this document were gathered from various reports, documents, and articles written on the subject, so as to present a comprehensive and general picture of the […]

Israel 2028 – Vision and Strategy for Economy and Society in a Global World

This project was initiated and supported by the US Israel Commission of Science and Technology (USISTC). It was managed by a public committee, and carried out over 2 years by some 60 researchers and a significant portion of it was done at the Samuel Neaman Institute. The report was submitted to the Prime Minister who […]

A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel

The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the Samuel Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemistry and pharmaceutical branches produced in Israel, present alternatives and demonstrates new industry branches in this field. This project compares this industry with other global markets […]

The Necessity of Strategic Thinking: A Constitutive Vision for Israel and its Implications

This paper positions long-term aims for the State, which will facilitate a fitting balance between social cohesion and involvement in the national endeavor, on one hand, and dissension and multiplicity of opinions, on the other. Gavizon therefore deviates from the more widespread efforts to blur basic goals in order to attain accord regarding short-term policies. […]

Comments on National Governance

This paper focuses on the various issues that interfere with the course of public life. The dispute over the future of the “territories” engulfs into it nearly all other issues relating to our public experience, including questions of religion and state, as well as our attitude towards the Arab minority. The IDF has been transformed, […]

Instruments for Open Space Preservation: What Can Israel learn from other countries?

Conservation of open space is a difficult goal to achieve in a densely inhabited country such as Israel. Despite the efforts of Israel’s statutory planning bodies and the availability “on paper” of a plethora of planning and legal tools, development pressures often win out. More innovative tools, or a repackaging of tools, are therefore necessary. […]