for Progress

Undoing the “Gordian Knot”: a transportation roadmap for the short run

Israel’s chronic traffic congestion and its deficient public transport system have become one of its most pressing problems, with dire economic, environmental and psychological consequences. They are the result of decades-long underinvestment in public transport, and of road expansion without managing rising demand and traffic flow. The large infrastructure investments being pushed forward may mitigate […]

Energy Forum 43: Breaking Israel’s energy isolation

The Israeli energy market has unique characteristics. One of its main problems is that the state is isolated from its neighbors in terms of energy supply and export, making it a kind of “energy island.” This applies to various fuels, such as natural gas, and to electricity: the state provides itself with electricity and is […]

Energy Forum 42: Psychological and Behavioral Aspects of Energy Conservation

In recent years, the demand for energy has been increasing, due, in part, to the growth in the population, the rise in the standard of living, and economic growth. Increasing use of energy involves the investment of financial resources, exploitation of scarce land resources, and even the intensification of the climate crisis, as the global […]

Energy Forum 40: Natural gas for transportation in Israel

The problem of air pollution, resulting from the emission of pollutants in exhaust gas from motor vehicles, is growing worse, in the world and in Israel – especially in city centers. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is currently considered the most promising alternative fuel because of its availability and ecological advantages. Globally, there are millions of […]