Energy Forum 48: Energy in a Smart City
Most of the world’s population now resides in cities. By 2030, the population of the cities around the world is expected to grow from 3.3 billion to 5 billion people. In Israel, approximately 6 million residents live in urban communities. Because of resource constraints, it may become difficult to provide all the services to city […]
Economy and Society Adjustments to the Post-Corona Era: Recommendations
With the outbreak of the Corona crisis, we harnessed our best effort in an attempt to present insights and possible ways of action that would make the corona crisis an opportunity that would put the State of Israel on a path of growth and well-being for all its residents. We have endeavoured to present a […]
We will bounce back
This book comprises some 65 short blogs, written mostly during the coronavirus epidemic, in March and April.
The Global Economic Impact of COVID-19:A Summary of Research
This essay surveys and summarizes recent research and reports on the global economic impact of the COVID-19 ‘new coronavirus’. It argues that the major impact of the epidemic, or alleged pandemic, is on the supply side of the global economy – while remedies now considered and applied are largely on the demand side. The global […]
To unravel the “Gordian Knot” 2.0: Tackling congestion via road pricing and shared rides
Israel’s chronic traffic congestion has become one of its most pressing problems, with dire economic, environmental and psychological consequences. Following years of failed transportation policies, which overtly favored private over public transportation, it is clear that Israel needs an altogether different approach. We propose here a three-prong policy: Traffic demand management through an advanced system of road pricing, […]
The River Restoration Administration Activity Assessment
This study assesses the activities, achievement and challenges of the river restoration administration, since its establishment in 1993.
Lessons Learned from Select Countries and Cities Policy Measures to Reduce Air Pollution from the Transportation Sector
Management of air pollution from transportation refers to the dynamic process a regulatory authority undertakes to reduce, prevent/eliminate air pollution emissions and their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The process of managing air quality, including from the transportation sector sources, consists of a cycle of inter-related activities, including periodic assessments and reviews […]
Building an Enhancing Mexico’s Entrepreneurial Culture: Powerful Narratives as the “Missing link”
This essay proposes a method for building and enhancing Mexico’s entrepreneurial startup culture, by creating and disseminating powerful narratives or stories, about startups, as a crucial often-missing link in the causal entrepreneurial chain. It reviews and summarizes key research papers published in the last four years or so and draws lessons from Israel’s experience.
Characterizing master plan for the industrial park Mishor Rotem
Industrial zone Mishor Rotem is the largest in Israel. Some major industries already reside there, hence the purpose of this research is to characterize a master plan for future development and realization of its national-wise, great potential.
Energy Forum 47: Combined Photovoltaic and Storage Systems to Produce Electricity From Solar Energy
In 2018, installations providing more than 100 giga-watts of solar energy were built worldwide, and the total global capacity of this energy was higher than 500 giga-watts. This volume represents an increase of 4% as compared to 2017, in comparison with an increase of 30% and 50% in the previous two years, respectively. In 2018, […]