Assessment of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Supply Chain in Israel
Methane gas, the main component of natural gas, is the second most impactful greenhouse gas on global greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources, after carbon dioxide, and is currently the focus of efforts (along with other short-lived greenhouse gases) to reduce global warming of the atmosphere. Methane, as a contributor to the greenhouse effect, is […]
Past initiatives to strengthen the Israeli society: Lessons from the Past
Israel is in the midst of a multidimensional crisis combining legislative initiatives, policy changes and public upheaval. This led to long lasting protests that exposed the fragmentation of the Israeli society. The Samuel Neaman Institute has addressed issues related to the Israeli society since 2005, including a unifying definition of societal resilience (Gal, Padan, 2020). […]
The waste management crisis – A national project. Summary and recommendations The waste forum of Samuel Neaman Institute
In recent years, the State of Israel has reached a serious waste crisis. Already in the State Comptroller’s reports published in 2021 and 2022, and in the Israeli PRTR (mandatory reporting on emissions) published in recent years, it was possible to identify a problem due to the emission of carcinogenic substances and greenhouse gases – […]
Review and Analysis of Methods for Evaluating, Quantifying and Promoting Shade in Urban Spaces
Promoting street shade using trees, as a key component of Israel’s global warming adaptation strategy, lies at the heart of Government Resolution 1022 from January 23, 2022. However, the National Strategic Plan for Shading and Cooling Urban Spaces Using Trees, published following the resolution at the end of 2022, already acknowledged the methodological difficulties inherent […]
Energy Forum 53: Green Building in Israel
Green building, or sustainable building, is a multidisciplinary approach that seeks to use environmentally responsible and resource-efficient processes throughout the entire life cycle of the building, from choosing its location to the stages of planning, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. The Green Building Standard in Israel – Israeli Standard (SI) 5281 – was written […]
A retrospective on the national policy for municipal solid waste management in Israel 2007-2022
In Israel, approximately 6 million tons of municipal solid waste are produced each year, which includes household waste, bulky waste, and commercial waste (hereinafter: “waste”). The regulator in the field is the Ministry of Environmental Protection (hereinafter: “the Ministry”), while the local authorities are responsible for the collection and disposal of the waste and bear […]
Energy Forum 52: A Nuclear Power Plant in Israel
Building a nuclear power plant has been on the agenda of the energy sector in Israel since the 1970s. As part of the decision to diversify the country’s fuel mix, following the energy crisis of the October 1973 War and the oil embargo imposed on Israel and its allies, the possibility of establishing a nuclear […]
Strategic Competition – U.S. China 2022 – An Israeli Perspective
This survey paper reviews recent research in the rapidly changing relations among the triangle of Israel, China and the United States. Israel has long enjoyed a special relationship with the US, in trade, investment and technology, and in recent years, has benefited from trade and infrastructure investment with China. US-China rivalry has greatly complicated this […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Registry in Israel – Accounting and Reporting Protocol
The Israeli GHG registry was designed by collaborate team from the environmental protection ministry, The Samuel Neaman Institute and Ecotraders Ltd with a wide team of stake holders. The goal of the team was to develop a protocol with clear instructions that will guide organizations and companies from all sectors through the process of accounting […]
“Common Ground”: Agreed Road Map for Long-Term National Paradigms
Strategic thinking process for the state of Israel is presented. Based on interviews of 40 prominent Israelis, from diverse walks of life, we find a wide common ground in considering the ‘Declaration of Independence’ (1948) to be Israel’s vision for the coming decades. To validate our proposition that the vision chapter of the Declaration of […]