Energy Forum 55: Energy in refrigeration and air conditioning systems
Airconditioningsystemsforuseinbuildingsaredivided into twomaintypes: unitary systems and central systems. To the first type belong window air conditioners, split air conditioners and mini-central ones. These are standard systems that constitute the lion’s share of installations in residential buildings and quite a few also in public, commercial and industrial buildings. Their cooling output usually ranges from 2-15 kW […]
Coping With the Israeli Industry Chains of Supply and the Deglobalization
The special situation of the State of Israel presents it with challenges that require a careful assessment of the situation regarding the capabilities and needs in a multi-year vision.
The purpose of the discussion at the round table was defined: a joint examination of whether it is possible to offer the Israeli government cables
Recommended policy in this regard. The discussion took place at the Shmuel Neman institution on July 10 2024 and this report summarize the recommendations
Haredi Recruitment in Israel – A Broad Perspective
The issue of Haredi conscription, including the recurring rounds of legislation, holds immense and intricate significance: it encompasses social, security, political, judicial, and ethical dimensions. Alongside political engagement within the government and Knesset, public discourse — rages no less fervently the moral-ethical question of equality in the burden of service. Most of the discussion, on […]
New Thought on Accelerating the Upgrading of Israel SME Industry to Use Industry 4 Technologies
Below we have proposed a rapid assimilation of Industry 4.0 in Israel, a program aimed at bringing out the SME industry from the current technological stagnation and place it at the forefront of global innovation.
Guidelines for Creating Educational Continuity During Prolonged Crisis Situations: Insights from the ‘ Education during crisis’ Forum
The presented analysis and recommendations aim to ensure uninterrupted educational routine for all Israeli pupils, with a specific focus on those evacuated. This report was written following the Iron Swords War eruption on October 7, 2023 for about three months (from November 12, 2023, to January 28, 2024). This war and the crisis that followed it, posed the education system with multifaceted and complex challenges previously unencountered, but will most probably will face in future crisis situations, such as earthquake events in Israel.
Startup Companies in Times of Crisis – Insights
In 2023, the Israeli high-tech sector faced a crisis in investment due to legal changes, a global economic downturn, and later, the impact of the Iron Sword conflict. The United States and Europe also experienced a decline in high-tech investments during this year, although at much lower rates than in Israel. Consequently, at the beginning […]
Democracy as a Critical Infrastructure during a State of Emergency
Democracy is not only an essential infrastructure during normal times; in fact, safeguarding it becomes even more crucial during times of emergency. This document explores the intricate relationships between democracy, individual rights and emergencies. The authors acknowledge that acute crises, like natural disasters, pandemics or wars, may warrant deviations from both the formal facet of […]
Assessment of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Supply Chain in Israel
Methane gas, the main component of natural gas, is the second most impactful greenhouse gas on global greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources, after carbon dioxide, and is currently the focus of efforts (along with other short-lived greenhouse gases) to reduce global warming of the atmosphere. Methane, as a contributor to the greenhouse effect, is […]
Past initiatives to strengthen the Israeli society: Lessons from the Past
Israel is in the midst of a multidimensional crisis combining legislative initiatives, policy changes and public upheaval. This led to long lasting protests that exposed the fragmentation of the Israeli society. The Samuel Neaman Institute has addressed issues related to the Israeli society since 2005, including a unifying definition of societal resilience (Gal, Padan, 2020). […]
The waste management crisis – A national project. Summary and recommendations The waste forum of Samuel Neaman Institute
In recent years, the State of Israel has reached a serious waste crisis. Already in the State Comptroller’s reports published in 2021 and 2022, and in the Israeli PRTR (mandatory reporting on emissions) published in recent years, it was possible to identify a problem due to the emission of carcinogenic substances and greenhouse gases – […]