Global challenges for the water industry in oil and gas production

This report reviews the oil and gas production industry with the purpose of describing the role of water in the production process. It is focused on water management, and water treatment for reuse/recycle or authorized emission to the environment. This is a first among seven reports reviewing water in seven global industrial sectors. Serving the […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2012

42 companies and organizations reported greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The voluntary reporting represents about 68 % from the national inventory emissions. Each of the reporting companies, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in […]
Needs and priorities in the Haifa bay development towards a balanced prosperity

During February 2011, a workshop was held at Samuel Neaman Institute in cooperation with the Kishon River Authority, with the purpose to define the major issues for the development and prosperity of the Haifa bay area, and identify the correct balance between them, and by doing so achieving the goal of long term planning and […]
Evolutionary Interpretation of VC Policy in Israel, Germany, UK and Scotland (STE-WP-45)

Despite many attempts to develop high-impact VC policies during the 1990s in Europe , most VC markets in Europe are still underdeveloped. Many of these policies were based on ‘traditional’ VC policy involve a mix of monetary incentives and institutional changes. In this paper, we present an alternative evolutionary VC policy, which is based on […]
R&D Outputs in Israel 1990-2008: Israeli Patents in an International Perspective

This work is the second study in the joint venture of the Samuel Neaman Institute and the NCRD, whose aim is to examine the outputs of research and development in Israel, as expressed in scientific publications in academic journals, according to different criteria and over time. The first study in this series was published in […]
The National Science and Technology Policy of Israel
The article reviews the evolution of Israel’s science and technology R & D policy. This policy is not based on any written document or master plan dictated in advance, but was formed gradually, over decades, at various times and by different people, in the corridors of government and the Knesset, universities and industry, which together […]
Evaluation of the NOFAR Program

The NOFAR program was conceived as part of the implementation of the recommendations made by the “Monitor Report,” and stresses the need to establish a fund to support the development in universities of inventions in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology that have a commercial potential, so as to increase the chances of successful transfer […]
Lessons derived from Agriculture and Rural development -applicable for Leveraging Classical Industries
Agriculture in Israel has taken off from producing locally consumed products to the export of innovative products and applications. These include inputs, knowhow, development models and more, all within close international collaboration. Israeli Agriculture has demonstrated that profit can be attained and maximized with small production units – typical of classical industries – enabling overall economic efficiency. […]
Traditional industries’ innovation survey in Israel

A first of its kind R&D and Innovation survey was conducted in Israel in 2007 among low- and medium-low technology companies in manufacturing and services. The survey focused on impact of various innovation activities, distinguishing between technological and organizational innovations, on business performance measures. 1800 companies were sent a written questionnaire by mail. Responses were […]
Together but Apart: ICT and Productivity Growth in Israel (STE-WP-41)

There is broad consensus regarding the significant role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the past decade, both in the renewal of labor productivity growth in the U.S. and in the development of this productivity gap between the U.S. and the European Union. Israel’s high-tech sector, which is mostly engaged in ICT production, grew […]