Insects in the Service of Man: Review and Recommendations for the City of Afula as a Hub to Promote the Field – English version

Insects are of fundamental importance to the ecosystem on Earth and their existence is critical for human survival. Insects play a variety of roles in the service of man, while the full potential of using this option is found in various stages of research. In general, it can be estimated that the market for insect […]
Advanced Manufacturing

Development of national policy for promoting advanced engineering in the Israeli industry, by several activities, like: A survey of the status of advanced manufacturing in the world and in Israel, study of the status of advanced manufacturing in Israeli companies and its improvement potential, Mapping & studying Israeli companies with solutions & technologies for advanced […]
National Environmental Priorities, Position Paper X: Innovative agricultural technology industry in Israel, 2016

This National Priorities document, the tenth to be published, summarizes updated knowledge and brings the subject of Agricultural Technologies (Agrotech) to the public agenda. The world is currently facing complex environmental challenges, partly as a result of growing population along with the outcomes of climate change and include water and air pollution challenges, soil degradation […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2014
54 companies and organizations joined the greenhouse gas emissions in 2014 to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Each of the reporting companies, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Energy and Environment […]
Upgrading the economic systems of Israels north
In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industries, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure […]
Energy Forum 34: Combined Heat and Power generation

To view the conference time table (in Hebrew), click here.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2013

The issue of global climate changes is the subject of worldwide attention, due to its environmental, economic and social implications over both the developed and developing world. The government of Israel recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (in spite of no formal international commitment to date, as well as the halt in the […]
Innovation 2012 An active industrial policy for leveraging science and technology and Israel’s unique culture of innovation

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2011

36 companies and organizations submitted the annual reporting forms to the Ministry of the Environmental Protection for the reporting year 2011. Each of the companies that reported, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental […]
The energy forum at Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion led by Prof. Gershon Grossman examined the profitability of oil shale utilization in Israel

Lack of orderly approval process for various proposed projects for oil shale mining and utilization as a source for producing liquid fuels, and lack of coordination between relevant ministries – a significant problem of regulation – constitute an extreme burden on entrepreneurs interested in operating in this field in Israel. This is the main conclusion reached […]