for Progress

Findings of a Study for Assessing the Contributions of the Program frr Advancing Quality and Excellence in Indusries and NGOs in the North of Israel

This project is about a survey on the contributions of the program for quality and excellence in the North of Israel to the participating companies and NGOs. In the program participated about 300 organizations through the program since 2006. A survey on the contributions to the organizations was done through survey and interviews of the managers […]

Promoting the leadership of Israeli industry in future technologies

The Israel Innovation Authority has set a goal of promoting the leadership of Israeli industry in future technologies as a strategic goal. Many countries invest huge amount of capital in identifying strategic areas and technological trends, to create a technological competitive advantage over other countries, and to create an economic impact as a result. It […]

Models for Translational Medical Research in Israel Executive Summary

This project examines various models for the translation of academic discoveries ‘from bench to bedside’ to create innovative medications. The research examines how different countries in the world support basic biomedical academic discoveries and advance them towards industrial applications. The observation of these models can support the local pharmaceutical eco-system in leveraging Israel’s academic excellence […]

Women in Technological and Scientific Entrepreneurship

This research identifies obstacles that prevent women from becoming involved in entrepreneurship in research and technology and suggests ways to increase women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities at the Technion and beyond. The two research questions posed are: What are the obstacles that prevent more women from becoming involved in entrepreneurial activities and what is necessary […]

Assessing the Maturity Level of the Industry for Advanced Manufacturing: The IMAM Model

One of the important steps for implementing advanced manufacturing in industry is assessing the maturity level of the industry plants in the different areas of advanced manufacturing. In this work we propose model with fourteen areas of advanced manufacturing, which assess the maturity of the plants for advanced manufacturing. In order to validate the model […]

Characterization and master plan for the Shefar’am new industrial park

  This research defines the recommended strategy and establishes a master plan for the new industrial park in Shefar’am which is planned to be built in the east side of the town. The focus is on strategic characterization of the new industrial park, recommending the preferred execution method and identifying the needed managerial institutions, in […]