for Progress

Corporate responsibility of industrial sectors with enhanced environmental impact in Israel – From corporate responsibility to impact valuation

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term reflecting the set of values an organization is adopting and implementing as standard corporate behavior on societal and environmental issues. A socially responsible organization has a genuine responsibility towards society and environment and strives to uphold general universal principles in the framework of sustainability, concomitant with financial success. […]

Requirements for bio-fabrication devices combining engineering and biology among Israeli companies and Technion researchers

As part of developing the bio-convergence field as an economic growth engine for Israel, there is great importance in collecting data concerning the industrial need for infrastructure and services. This includes information about the required equipment, the types of products for which service is required, what engineering skills are needed, expertise in design processes, and […]

From Geo/Bio-Politics to G2G Agreements and Public–Private Partnership: the Unique Role of the Israeli Eco-System in Ethiopia

The Purpose and Contribution of the Study Israeli–Ethiopian relations were first established in 1956. Israel has traditionally regarded Ethiopia as an important country, both politically and geo-strategically. The relationship has been characterized by the dominance of the state. The first instance of this dominance was the involvement of both governments in the massive waves of […]

Mapping Human Talent Requirements for Jerusalem’s Hi-Tech and Biomed Industries

The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, together with Jerusalem’s Development Authority, Jerusalem’s Municipality, the Social-Economic Forum, and the Employers Administration initiated a project for encouraging young candidates and discharged soldiers residing in Jerusalem, to live, study and work in the city. This project aims to contribute to Jerusalem’s economic and social development and […]

The Corona Crisis as a Growth Engine for the North of Israel

This report includes insights and recommendations on the Corona crisis as a growth engine for the north of Israel. It focuses in three areas: Economics & Industry 4.0, Education improvement, and the Social System in the north. This is a result of three roundtables in the above three areas. The work was done in a […]

Industrial symbiosis – barriers for implementation in Israel

Industrial symbiosis is defined as wastes or by‐products of an industry or industrial process that used as a resource or raw materials for another. The purpose of industrial symbiosis is to create loops of materials while minimising the leakage of natural resources as water, energy and waste – demonstrating some key parts of a circular economy, at a local scale […]